Frequently Asked Questions - Position Funding

Position Funding

Can I change the order of chartstring field names in the template?

Yes, you can change the order during your active session by using the Personalize link. However, we encourage users to familiarize themselves with the default order defined by UCPath. 

What happens when there's a retroactive pay increase and a direct retro needs to be done on the retroactive pay? Can initiators pull up the retro pay?

Yes. The employee's paycheck would include the retroactive pay, an earn code separate from regular earnings would be associated with the retroactive pay. The earn code begins with '9' for retroactive items.

Does the initiator have to start from scratch to fix a denied position funding transaction? Is there a copy function?

There is a "copy to new transaction" button. However, it isn't for direct retro transactions, only for position funding. 

Does a retro pay change affect position funding?

Retro pay change does not affect current position funding.

How many decimal places are allowed on the pay distribution % field (funding entry page)?

7 digits, 6 decimal places.

How are Department Ids assigned, at which Org Node level (ex. L3, etc) ?

The Department IDs are at level 4,5,6. The department is based on where the position sits. 

How do you see departmental notifications? Who will be notified?

Initiators will receive a notification that their transaction has been approved or denied. Approvers will receive a notification to approve a transaction and may navigate to the transaction using the link in the body of the email and/or using their worklist if they are in UCPath. Additionally, there are available funding reports in Cognos that as a Cognos user one may run for a department.

When will benefit adjustments hit the ledger?

Benefits follow the employee's salary.

Where can I find guidelines from campus around what documentation should be included/attached on particular transactions?

The Controller's Office would be responsible for these guidelines.

Is legacy HCM accessible for view-only access (for current vacant position information) after go-live?

Legacy HCM will be available through September 2019 for those who already have access. Legacy HCM data can be accessed through Cal Answers reports.

Can we have multiple positions connected to one funding record?

No. Each position requires its own funding. Funding is the same for a single-headcount or a multi-headcount position. 

Can an approver edit the position funding transaction before approval?

The approver should deny the transaction and the initiator should make the changes and resubmit the transaction for approval. 

Does the Effective Date for position funding matter?

Yes! Effective Date for position funding must be equal to or later than the Effective Date of the position. The position must be created before you can fund it. Additionally, position funding Effective Date should be prior to the hire Effective Date in order to avoid any pay going into suspense.

What is the Pool ID field on the Position page?

Pool ID is used by the Work-Study unit to enter students' Work-Study codes.

Example: The Work-Study codes (e.g. C or G) will go into "pools" (e.g. Work-Study student in "G").

For more information, refer to the Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships.

What is “MCOP"?

Multiple Components of Pay. There is a link on the Position Funding page to access the Multiple Components of Pay worksheet to assist you with proper funding. 

For academics when the incumbent’s salary funding is sourced from a capped fund, exceeds over-the-cap (OTC) fund and the OTC default chartstring should not be used, how should the funding be processed?

The earn code, "GAP" should be used for the amount that is over the cap. This step would act as a reversal of the amount above the salary cap.

When does a payroll cost get charged to the payroll suspense chartstring or the department’s default chartstring as opposed to being charged to the specified FAU(s)?

When a position is set up by the department, a departmental default fund charstring is required. Payroll costs for the incumbent of the position will be charged to the department’s default chartstring if a Funding Entry to update the Earnings Distribution to a specific FAU (e.g., PI’s research fund) has not been initiated and approved. Additionally, if the Funding Entry initiator specifies a Funding End Date for any given FAU, the portion of the payroll costs associated with that FAU will go into suspense (i.e., get charged to the departmental chartstring) during the pay period(s) after the Funding End Date.

Is there approval routing at the funding level?

No. The approvals would be routed based on department, not funding.

Can other chartfields besides fund code be used to gather characteristics of the fund?

No. The system will retrieve additional information for the fund code from various fund tables. Some fund attributes are capped/uncapped, annual cap rate. Additionally, the fund code lookup table is sourced from the Fund Attribute table.

How is funding source changed for additional pay?

The earn code for the additional pay with the chartstring is entered in the Position Funding form. If the additional pay was due to a stipend, the earn code for stipend, “STP,” along with the chartstring would be added in the form.

Are there additional reasons why funding would default to the general fund, other than the expiration date of a current fund?

Yes. A chartstring may be valid at the time of entry in Position Funding, however, it may become invalid prior to Commitment Accounting Actuals/General Ledger batch processing. This instance would result in an edit error being flagged and a default chartstring would be used. The initiator will see any system-identified errors as they are working on the Position Funding Entry, or when there is an attempt to save and submit the transaction. However, if a Funding Entry is both successfully saved and approved but payroll still goes into suspense (departmental default chartstring), it could be due to a system error or that the Funding Entry did not meet the deadline for that pay period.

Once I create a position funding record, can I create a position record which duplicates/copies?

No. The position funding record cannot be copied.

In UCPath, does the account automatically pre-populate based on the position?

The user is not required to enter the account chartfields.

Can the funding end date occur prior to the appointment end date?

Yes. However, if the funding end date expires, the system will pull from the suspense account.

Does the system validate each field or the full chartstring?

The system performs individual chartfield validation, and it also validates the full chartstring.

Can the effective date be retroactive?

Yes, as long as the funding effective date is between the budget begin and end date. You can enter a change in funding with an effective date in the past (e.g. use yesterday’s date) as long as that is a valid date for the position.

How far forward/in the future can I enter the effective date?

The funding effective date should be between budget begin and end date. There is no stated limitation for how far in the future (as long as it’s during the period in which the position is active).

How many distributions can I have?

There is no limit to the amount of many distributions that can be entered in the UCPath system. The limits in the current state are driven by PPS (Personnel Payroll System), which will not exist in the future state.

Can we create a position before funding is established?

Yes. Funding is not tied to a position.  However, a position must be created in UCPath before you can apply funding to it.