Frequently Asked Questions - Position Funding

Position Funding

Can I change the order of chartstring field names in the template? (expand)

What happens when there's a retroactive pay increase and a direct retro needs to be done on the retroactive pay? Can initiators pull up the retro pay? (expand)

Does the initiator have to start from scratch to fix a denied position funding transaction? Is there a copy function? (expand)

Does a retro pay change affect position funding? (expand)

How are Department Ids assigned, at which Org Node level (ex. L3, etc) ? (expand)

How do you see departmental notifications? Who will be notified? (expand)

When will benefit adjustments hit the ledger? (expand)

Is legacy HCM accessible for view-only access (for current vacant position information) after go-live? (expand)

Can we have multiple positions connected to one funding record? (expand)

Can an approver edit the position funding transaction before approval? (expand)

Does the Effective Date for position funding matter? (expand)

What is the Pool ID field on the Position page? (expand)

What is “MCOP"? (expand)

For academics when the incumbent’s salary funding is sourced from a capped fund, exceeds over-the-cap (OTC) fund and the OTC default chartstring should not be used, how should the funding be processed? (expand)

When does a payroll cost get charged to the payroll suspense chartstring or the department’s default chartstring as opposed to being charged to the specified FAU(s)? (expand)

Can other chartfields besides fund code be used to gather characteristics of the fund? (expand)

Is there approval routing at the funding level? (expand)

How is funding source changed for additional pay? (expand)

Are there additional reasons why funding would default to the general fund, other than the expiration date of a current fund? (expand)

In UCPath, does the account automatically pre-populate based on the position? (expand)

Can the funding end date occur prior to the appointment end date? (expand)

Does the system validate each field or the full chartstring? (expand)

Can the effective date be retroactive? (expand)

How far forward/in the future can I enter the effective date? (expand)

How many distributions can I have? (expand)

Can we create a position before funding is established? (expand)