
Berkeley UCPath Training Redesign Coming Soon!

Berkeley UCPath Training Redesign Engagement Opportunities

Have feedback about a specific training? Through an academic lens? We want to hear from you!

As we begin redesigning the Berkeley UCPath Training Program, we're looking for input from our diverse community of UCPath users to ensure the new materials align with your unit's needs. Let us know how you'd like to get involved by completing our interest survey. Participation is open through the end of 2025!


Berkeley UCPath Training Calendar

Check out our live (via Zoom) Berkeley UCPath training offerings. You can also add the Training Calendar to your Google Calendar!


Need help?

  1. Berkeley UCPath Training Resources:

    • Explore the job aids, slide decks, and other resources managed by Berkeley linked below.
  2. UCPath Center's User Productivity Kit (UPK) Site:

    • Want to complete a transaction simulation? Revisit a UCPath Center Job Aid? Explore the resources maintained by the UCPath Center.
  3. Submit a Request to your Region:

    • Are you a department transactor who needs support submitting transactions related to hiring, ending appointments, or employee data changes? 
    • Submit your request by creating a service request (ticket) in the HR Service Hub. It will automatically be routed to your applicable service region who will take it from there.
    • If you are served by the ERSO Region: submit a request via email to
    • Need help finding your region? Check out the Region Finder!
  4. Submit an Inquiry to the UCPath Center:

Speech bubble that reads, "Help!"