ERC Values
A - Manager, Not Confidential
B - Manager, Confidential*
C - Supervisor, Not Confidential
D - Supervisor, Confidential*
E - All Others, Not Confidential
F - All Others, Confidential*
G - Not Covered by HEERA (Out of State)
H - Student in Academic Title Covered by HEERA (GSIs, GSRs Readers, Tutors, and other titles covered by the UAW agreement)
I - Student in Academic Title Not Covered by HEERA (no longer in use)
X - Not Applicable - Contingent Wk
*Confidential designations require prior approval by Central Human Resources (Labor Relations). Contact ELR for consultation and approval. See Compensation Compliance web page for additional information.
Confidential - Manager, Supervisor, or All Others
- Any employee who develops or presents management positions with respect to collective bargaining with unions, OR
- Any employee whose duties normally require access to confidential information which contributes significantly to the development of management positions with respect to collective bargaining.
"Confidential" designation for the ERC does not include dealing with other types of confidential materials. Access to personnel files does not, in and of itself, mean that an employee's ERC is confidential, unless that access is used to develop management positions with respect to collective bargaining. Note: Except for employees in the Office of Human Resources, in the Chancellor's Office, and those who directly support the Vice Chancellors, the use of the "Confidential" designation should occur only rarely. Contact ELR for consultation and approval of a confidentail designation.
Supervisor - Not Confidential or Confidential
Exercises independent judgment in determining the distribution of work to subordinate(s) AND performs at least 3 of the following:
- Independently selects subordinate(s), OR participates in the interview and recommends who should be hired.
- Independently determines performance ratings of subordinate(s), OR initially decides on the ratings, and submits them to a higher-level manager.
- Independently decides within budgetary limitations the amount of subordinate merit increases, determines who will be selected for promotional opportunity, and decides which positions to recommend for reclassification, OR makes recommendations to a higher-level manager.
- Has independent authority to issue written warnings and suspensions, OR independently determines what discipline (including dismissal) should be imposed on a subordinate, and recommends the same for review and approval to a higher-level manager.
- Has independent authority to resolve grievances or complaints OR independently formulates a resolution to a grievance or complaint and submits the proposed resolution to a higher-level manager.
Generally, supervisors have full responsibility as described above for at least 2 FTE's (full-time equivalent) subordinates. Note: whenever "recommendations" are cited, they are customarily given substantial weight and are typically accepted. Faculty should be designated as supervisors ONLY when they supervise OTHER FACULTY. Work Leaders, who usually spend a substantial portion of their time performing work identical to that assigned to their subordinates, are not supervisors.
Manager - Not Confidential or Confidential
Meets the criteria for the Supervisory designation, as described above, PLUS:
- Has significant responsibilities for formulating and administering policies and programs.
- Identifies objectives, directs programs, manages human, financial, and physical resources, and functions with a high degree of autonomy
Not Covered by HEERA (Out of State)
Employees working at UC offices located outside of the state of CA (for example: UCDC) and do not live in California, OR employees working out-of-country are not covered by HEERA (Higher Education Employer-Employee Relations Act). Employees who work at UC Berkeley, but live out of state should not be designated as ‘Not Covered by HEERA.’
Student in Academic Titles Covered by HEERA
Must be:
- Student in an academic title (such as Readers, Tutors, Teaching Assistants/Graduate Student Instructors, Graduate Student Researchers)
- In a title covered by the BR or BX bargaining unit (UAW agreement)
Learn more about the HEERA (Higher Education Employer-Employee Relations Act).
Student in Academic Titles Not Covered by HEERA
No longer in use. Inactive as of 4/1/23.
All Others, Non-Confidential
Note: Student employees in non-academic Assistant I, II, III, IV titles (Job Codes 004922, 004921, 004920, 004919) have ERC "All Others, Non-Confidential."