HR Templates
Can FTEs exceed 1.0 for combined student jobs with one GSI appointment?
Yes, FTEs can exceed for combined student jobs with one GSI appointments due to Academic Overlap.
For cases where a Grad Student appointment (Tutor) needs to add a student assistant appointment, this does not qualify for Academic Overlap.
When there is a record on Short Work Break (SWB) and a concurrent hire is added, can the FLSA and PayGroup be mismatched?
When there is a record on Short Work Break (SWB) and a concurrent hire is added, the FLSA statuses need to match and the paygroup can be mismatched.
How can International Phone Numbers be added or updated in UCPath?
International Numbers can be added or updated in UCPath by UC Berkeley Transactors or employee:
UC Berkeley Transactor - Submit a Personal Data Template and add a request in the comments section to add/update the international phone number
Employee - Navigation: Employee Actions > Personal Information > Personal Information > Phone Numbers > Change Phone Numbers > Add Phone > Phone Type; select: Mobile-Personal, Mobile-Wor, or Work-Other Location > Enter International Phone Number and click Save
Is an MLA (Multi-Location Appointment) a required attachment on a "concurrent hire" or "add CWR" template when the combination of the two appointments is an employee at one location and a contingent worker (CWR) at the other?
What template should be used to transfer an ASE or GSR?
Enter a full rehire, concurrent hire or use another inactive record within the same region (do not use a transfer) to transfer an ASE or GSR.
How do we process a hire for an employee that is on a short work break (SWB) at another location?
To prevent delays, if a new employee at UC Berkeley has an appointment at another location that is on a short work break (SWB), there are two options:
- The other location will need to (retro) terminate the position on SWB so that the hire template will be approved by the UCPath Center for UC Berkeley.
- We will need a Multi Location Agreement (MLA)
Please review these pages (staff/academic) for more information on MLA policies and procedures.
Is it acceptable to process a concurrent hire on the same effective date another Empl Record is being terminated?
Yes, it is an acceptable use of the UC_CONC_HIRE(_AC) HR template. This scenario has been observed when an employee is transitioning from one appointment on a single Empl Record to another appointment on a separate Empl Record, requiring a concurrent hire HR Template. An example of this would be a GSI appointment on Empl Record 0 with an Expected Job End Date of December 31st with a termination row effective January 1st, where a GSR appointment with another department is starting on January 1st. It is permissible to enter a UC_CONC_HIRE_AC template to process an Academic Concurrent Hire effective January 1st on a separate Empl Record (e.g., Empl Record 1).
UCPath Center understands this to be an acceptable use of a Concurrent Hire template and will approve transactions that fall under this scenario.
Does an employee on a leave of absence (LOA) need to be returned from LOA before a termination can be processed on their UCPath appointment?
If the employee is on a paid leave of absence, then the employee can still be on leave when the termination template is processed.
If the employee is on an unpaid leave of absence, there is no need to return the employee to a paid statusif no payout is expected.
If an employee is on an unpaid leave and needs to be paid out, then they do need to be returned from leave so that the pay can be processed.