Frequently Asked Questions - FAQs for Transactional Users

FAQs for Transactional Users

FAQs for Transactional Users provide answers to questions about processing transactions in UCPath.

How do I search for an employee?

Two main menu options:

  1. Use the Person Organizational Summary page (Main Menu > Workforce Administration > Personal Information > Person Organizational Summary)
  2. Use the Search for People page (Main Menu > Workforce Administration > Personal Information > Search for People)

Use the lookup icon to search for an employe by name or employee ID. Please view the inquiry matrix.

Absence Management

When are hours accrued populated in CalTime?

After each payroll cycle accruals will be updated in CalTime.

Can employees track their own detail leave hours?

Depending on the leave type, employees are able to enter their leave hours in CalTime using the correct leave codes. Some leave types cannot be tracked by the employee, like EFMLA. These leave types are managed by the Benefits and Leaves Team. The employee should coordinate with the leave coordinator.

Does UCPath display FML eligibility during the leave request entry?

Eligibility is displayed with in UCPath, but all hours and eligibility also need to be calculated and confirmed by the Benefits & Leaves or Workers Comp team.

Does the return to work date/end date auto return an employee to their current job, or does it require action?

The return to work date does not automatically return a person to work. The location must initiate a return to work action in UCPath.

If an employee changes from Intermittent leave to Block leave (e.g., full day or more usage), how should this be processed in UCPath?

A second leave request must be submitted and the usage must be coordinated with the UCPath Center (and possibly manager/department in order to capture any). Essentially, the first leave of absence row submitted, and then a subsequent row for the block leave should be submitted.

Is intermittent FML leave recorded in UCPath or CalTime only?

The leave is recorded in UCPath, but the time or actual days taken is recorded in CalTime. So, you can see an employee is on an intermittent leave of absence in the UCPath system through the Administer Leave of Absence page, but you would have to review Caltime to see the actual days an employee has recorded related to their intermittent leave.

Can leaves of absence for an employee be entered into UCPath at the same time if the employee is returning to work before the second leave?

No, consecutive leaves, with short "return to work" segments cannot be processed in UCPath at the same time. For example if an employee will be going out for a month, returning for three weeks, and then going back out on leave for an additional month - the two rows can not be entered into UCPath as a consecutive leave could be. The first leave must have an “actual return” before the UCPath Center can process an additional leave.

If it is necessary to put both leaves into UCPath at the same time, UCPC suggests submitting, but not approving the second leave until the employee has returned from the initial leave. This way all the information can be entered at the same time in UCPath, but not sent to the UCPath Center together until it can be processed.

Why are an employee CalTime and UCPath leave balances different?

Absence Management balances update in arrears. For monthly employees, time taken in one month are transitioned to UCPath the following month and appear on their paycheck the month following. For example, for a leave taken in April, those hours will flow from CalTime to UCPath in early May, then appear on the employee's paycheck in June. If you search for accrual balances after the hours have moved into UCPath, they will update April hours because that's when the leave was actually taken.

CalTime will generally have more accurate leave balances hours because of the interface time. For biweekly employees, accrual balances update on the quadricycle as outlined in the Payroll Processing Schedule.

Does an actual return to work date need to be entered into when submitting the Absence Management request?

When the leave is entered, unless it is a Sabbatical, the actual return to work date should NOT be entered. Once the employee returns from leave, then the original transaction should be edited, adding in the Actual Return to Work date.

If an employee changes leave type, how should this be processed in UCPath?

The first leave must be ended. A second leave request must be entered. For more information visit training materials or UPKs for the Absence Management request.

Will we be able to see when an employee is on leave in the Person Org Summary page?

Yes, their payroll status will show as "Inactive, Extended Leaves" once the leave has been added to their job data. 

Can approvers edit initiator notes or add notes?

Approvers can not edit initiator notes, but they can add notes to transactions they are approving for the Extended Leaves of Absence module.

Additional Pay

Are there any notifications that get sent out to the operator that a retroactive payment will not be paid out or do we have to manually look to see if there are active paychecks?

No, there are no alerts/notifications sent out to tell people that a retroactive payment is or is not triggered. The only notification is if someone at UCPC Payroll thinks an error has occurred and will reach out to the identified individuals to confirm.

Are there reports to see payroll transactions that are happening for a single employee? For instance, if I have an employee who has two jobs, but I only have security access for one of the jobs, can I see payments that are happening for the other depts.??

If you have access to the Review Paycheck page for an employee, you can see all of the details that they were paid, including details from other jobs that are not part of your regular visibility. However, beyond usage of the PREPSHUP tables, you will only be able to view recurring additional pay and one-time payments for the departments that you have visibility into.

For Additional Pay compensation, is that monthly, total, time period, or annual?

It depends on the employee class. If they are monthly then additional compensation will be distributed in one pay period. If they are biweekly then it will be distributed biweekly. 

On the personal summary screen, can you see all appointments in other departments?

You can see all active appointments in all departments and all UCs in the Person Org Summary page.

Does vacation/sick leave need to be entered daily for salaried exempt employees?

All sick and vacation must be entered in whole day increments. All leave should be entered in CalTime.

Why would you overwrite the chartfields for overpayments?

You would overwrite the chartfields when the chartfields are no longer active during the recovery process. If the overpayment is being recovered from the next available payment, it will go against the current pay cycle and the chartfields will not be able to be changed.

Can you submit an overpayment as negative amounts for percentages?

No, percentages must be submitted as positive amounts. 

Why can't you change the earn code to ACR for summer salaries?

We can request it as a change request but it will need to get approved by all Locations and it will definitely not be done by Go Live.

What can be done if an employee is paid on the incorrect chartstring?

If an employee is paid using an incorrect chartstring, the payment can be transferred to the appropriate chartstring using a Direct Retro request.

Are there notifications to indicate that a payment is being processed in UCPath?

For example, are there permissions for seeing that payment information?

There are no specific notifications regarding payments being processed in UCPath. To check if a payment has been processed, review the specific employee's paycheck/payroll data.

Will Post Authorization Notification (PAN) still exist in UCPath?

No. PAN notifications are sent out from Personnel and Payroll System (PPS) to notify select individuals that transactions have been processed. PPS will no longer be used, thus PAN notifications will not exist either.

How do you submit a retroactive merit increase for an employee?

Merit increases should be submitted using PayPath only, not using the additional pay forms. If a retroactive merit increase is submitted, the system will compare the new salary to their current salary and automatically calculate and pay out the amount of retroactive pay that should be generated.

There are two exceptions to this process:

  1. The system will calculate and pay out amounts for only the earn codes that are eligible for retroactive payments. If the employee has an earn code on their record that is not eligible for retroactive actions AND the amount paid out for that earn code is dependent on the employee’s compensation amount (e.g., a specific percentage of their salary), then the retroactive amount owed to the employee for that specific earn code will not pay out. That amount needs to be manually calculated and paid to the employee by using the one-time additional payment form.

  2. If the latest effective-dated row for that employee is for an action that conflicts with the retroactive merit increase (e.g., if the employee transferred to a new job or got a promotion), then you must contact UCPath for assistance in processing that transaction.

Can approvers be defined at the department level? When would you use an ad hoc approver?

Yes. Routing to the approver groups will be based on which form it is, the department submitting the request, and the affected employee’s employee class. By default, all forms will only need one approver level, meaning that only one person needs to approve the request in order for it to process.

Can UCPath apply a view or filter the forms based on an employee ID?

No. Additional Pay forms will show the same fields, regardless of employee type. However, some select fields may be filtered out based on the amounts input.

How do you enter a By Agreement (BYA/BYN) employee that should receive the same flat dollar amount every pay period?

If the By Agreement employee receives the exact same amount every pay period, then you can submit a Recurring Additional Pay request for that employee, entering the “Pay Period Amount” as the flat dollar amount that the employee should be receiving.

If the by agreement employee does not receive the same amount every pay period, then the request must be submitted via the One-Time Pay Additional form. 

Is the Additional Pay amount request for a gross amount or a net amount? Could I choose between the two?

The amount submitted using the Additional Pay forms is the total/gross amount, not including any taxes and deductions that will be subtracted when payroll is processed.

The forms have a Gross-Up checkbox to indicate that the submitted amount should be the net amount that should be paid to the employee; if this checkbox is selected, the employee will receive the submitted amount exactly as their net amount and the department/chartstring will be charged for the additional amounts that would have gotten taken out in taxes/deductions (i.e., the true gross amount needed for the employee to get paid that amount as net).

Does the Additional Pay form allow documents to be attached?

The Recurring Additional Pay form allows for document attachment. However, the One-Time Pay form does not have this functionality. If a document needs to be attached to the request, the one-time payment can be submitted using the Recurring Additional Pay form, with the effective and end dates adjusted to reflect one single pay period.

Can the initiator assign specific approvers?

No, initiators cannot assign a specific approver. Once an initiator submits the request, it will be auto-routed to the appropriate Approver Group based on the Department, the selected form, and the employee class (also known as “appointment type” in current state).

Only one person in that approver group needs to approve for the workflow to move forward. However, the approver can select a specific ad hoc approver from a drop-down menu of approvers who have the appropriate permissions.

If a Work-Study student is owed additional pay, is this the correct form to use?

Additional Pay is for payments that are in addition to the employee’s base salary (e.g., stipends, bonuses). If the work-study student is owed additional hours that have not been paid to them, then this would not be the appropriate form to use and the hours should be submitted via the Off-Cycle/Final Pay form instead.

If the work-study student is owed additional pay for an action that is separate from their regular hours/salary (e.g., if the student has been given a STAR award), then this would be the appropriate form to use.

Is there a way for the initiator to see what has been submitted?

When you open an additional pay form, current payroll requests for that employee that have been submitted will be shown to the right of the new submission.

Do some transactions allow cloning/copying? Is there a list of transactions that allow copying?

Yes, some transactions allow cloning, but that is only in the event that the request has been rejected. No cloning functionality exists for the Additional Pay forms.

Will earn codes/title codes change and if so, how?

While most earn codes will stay the same, there will be some changes to existing earn codes. We will provide a “mapping” document to map from current-HCM-to-new-UCPath Earn Codes during training as well as a definition of every UCPath earn code and how they should be used. Title codes will be staying the same.

How will UCPath recognize a duplicate request, or will UCPath process both updates?

When you open an additional pay form, current payroll requests for that employee that have been submitted will be shown to the right of the new submission, thus allowing the Initiator to check if a specific request has already been submitted. It is up to the Initiators to check current requests and previous paychecks to ensure that they are not submitting a duplicate request; the UCPath Center is not responsible for this action and will process both updates.

What is the difference between processing Additional Pay through the Personnel and Payroll System (PPS) system vs. processing through a department award (DSAS)? Are there guidelines for which to use? How does CSS determine which method to use?

Contact your HR Business Partner for information about DSAS and what guidelines/criteria are used to determine if they process pay out of PPS or DSAS. If specific payments are paid out of DSAS currently, they will most likely continue to be paid out of DSAS after we go live with UCPath. 

How are retroactive payments handled (within Additional Pay requests)?

There are fields in each Additional Pay form meant to identify the appropriate pay periods that the additional pay should apply to, thus allowing for retroactive submission. Note: You can only submit retroactive payments for earn codes that are eligible for retroactivity.

What about out-of-scope work for Additional Pay requests?

Additional Pay is defined as pay that is in addition to the employee’s regular base pay. Thus, “out-of-scope” requests for Additional Pay consist of inputting regular hourly and/or salary pay in current or previous pay periods. It also would not be appropriate for “rush”/off-cycle requests as well as final pay.

Can departments bypass the UCPath System for Additional Pay Requests?

No. UCPath is the only system of record and payment for HR/Payroll actions that UC Berkeley will be using.

Can Additional Pay requests be rushed?

No. Additional Pay requests will be paid out using the employee’s regular on-cycle payroll. In order to “rush” a payment, you will have to fill out the Off-Cycle/Final Pay form in order for the additional pay to be processed during UCOP’s next available payroll run.


When an employee returns to work from a leave without pay, where can they check that benefits are processing correctly?

Upon returning to work, employees can review their Benefits enrollment summary to ensure everything is correct.

Plans that were discontinued during the leave without pay, furlough or short work break will be reinstated when the employee returns to active status (this process can take a few weeks to be reflected within the employee’s Benefits summary). 

Does Leave without Pay/ Benefits Billing impact Flex Spending accounts?

Yes. Ensure employees are made aware of the policies regarding the end or reinstatement of Flexible Spending Accounts


How is Benefits Billing impacted if an employee's return to work date is after mid-month (e.g., 9/19/22)?

If an employee’s return to work date is 9/19/22, there’s a difference between monthly and bi-weekly employees as active paychecks cover different coverage months.


  • For monthly employees, their first Active paycheck with deductions should be 9/30/22 which covers October premiums, pay period 9/1/22 – 9/30/22. The 9/19/22 return from leave needs to be entered into UCPath before 8/23/22 (last calc for 9/1/22 Invoice that covers October premiums)
  • For bi-weekly employees, their first Active paycheck with deductions should be 10/12/22 covers 1st half of November premiums, pay period 9/18/22 – 10/1/22. The 9/19/22 return from leave needs to be entered into UCPath after 8/23/22 (last calc for 9/1/22 Invoice that covers October premiums) but before 9/23/22 (last calc for 10/1/22 Invoice that covers November premiums)

What happens if a furlough or Short Work Break after the benefits billing deadline (e.g., after June 15th), when does the employee receive the Benefits Billing Invoice?

If the furlough transaction beginning mid-June (around 6/19) is entered after 6/15/22 and is not captured during 7/1/22 Invoice, then the following 8/1/22 Invoice for September coverage month would reflect August + September due for monthly employees and half August + September due for bi-weekly employees, all for the same 8/1/22 Invoice due date 8/31/22

For Benefits Billing, do employees have the option to pay the full amount due or will they receive separate bills each month?

  • Benefits Billing is always on a monthly basis, so employees will receive separate bills each month

  • Examples:

    • For monthly employees, if their furlough begins mid-June (around 6/19) then 7/1/22 monthly paycheck should be their last Active paycheck with deductions to cover for July premiums, pay period dates 6/1/22 – 6/30/22 

    • For bi-weekly employees, if their furlough begins mid-June (around 6/19) then 7/6/22 bi-weekly paycheck should be their last Active paycheck with deductions to cover for the 1st half of August premiums, pay period dates 6/12/22 – 6/25/22 

  • Resources: UCPath Quicklinks -> Benefits Resources -> For Employees – Benefits Deduction Calendars -> Benefits Deduction Calendar – 2022. Direct Link

When will employee benefits billing notices be sent out?

  • Billing notices are prepared during the final week of the month and mailed to the employee on the last day of the month. Employees should receive the bill the first week of the month and is due by the end of the month

  • Example: If furloughs begin mid-June (around 6/19) then the transactions would need to be entered into UCPath no later than 6/15/22 to ensure it will be captured during 7/1/22 Finance Invoice Date for August coverage month

  • FYI: Short Work Breaks / Furloughs are on the same schedule as employees on all other leaves

  • Resources: UCPath Quicklinks -> Benefits Resources -> Location Users - Administrators for Benefits Billing Calendars -> Processing Calendars for Benefits Billing Processing Calendar 2022. Direct link

Can open enrollment selections be submitted if a life event is open?

 No, only one benefit event can happen at a time per day. If a life event is open, the life event for the current year must be closed before submitting open enrollment elections for next year.

Where can the benefits deduction information from UCPath be found? Are premiums for insurance paid in arrears or advance?

Only disability insurance is in arrears. See UCnet Employee Health and Welfare Benefits.

On page 24 of the Group Insurance Regulations it states:

  1. Premiums for Medical Plans, Dental Plan, Vision Plan, Legal Insurance, Life Insurance, AD&D Insurance, and Supplemental Health Plans are paid in advance. Premiums for Disability insurance are paid in arrears. Premiums are paid for a full month, even if coverage stops before the end of the period. Eligible Employee contributions are made through payroll deduction or direct pay.

Benefits Summary can be found at: Benefits > Review Employee Benefits > Benefits Summary

Review the benefits deduction schedule to see when these deductions occur.

Does UCPath automatically ensure that employees who are retiring are granted one ‘extra’ month of insurance benefits to bridge them till their retirement benefits kick in?

As long as it is entered with the appropriate termination code – Retirement, the system will automatically grant one ‘extra’ month of insurance benefits.

Case Management

How do I submit a case under the SOBO process?

You will need to write a short subject followed by a detailed description of the issue. If applicable, use the “Is this a QCU Case?” checkbox or the “WFA Escalation” checkbox.

What is the purpose of the “WFA Escalation” checkbox?

The “WFA Escalation” checkbox is available to all SOBO users to note the need for escalation. It should be selected for cases such as:

  • Time-sensitive transactions that affect the current pay period and cause pay and/or benefits impacts.
  • Hire Date change that will prevent a pay and/or benefit impact.
  • Request to cancel a transaction that will cause a pay and/or benefit impact.
  • Cases previously submitted with the Topic: Workforce Administration, Category: Quality Care Unit.

When should the "Is this a QCU Case?" checkbox be selected?

The checkbox should be selected based on the following criteria:

  • Urgent issue with Payroll file prior to Pay Confirm.
  • Stop pay line before pay confirm to avoid overpayment.
  • Check or ACH pull from bank file to avoid gross overpayment.
  • Missed pay resulting in financial hardship for an employee.
  • Cancel off-cycle request or retro payment trigger to avoid overpayment.
  • Expedite off-cycles submitted more than 3 days ago and urgent processing is needed.
  • Benefits terminated in error.

What is QCU?

QCU stands for Quality Care Unit. It is a specialized team within UCPath that handles urgent payroll and benefits issues that could lead to significant impacts, such as overpayments, missed pay, or incorrect benefits terminations.

Who will see the "Is this a QCU Case?" checkbox?

The "Is this a QCU Case?" checkbox will only be visible to authorized QCU submitters.

Direct Retro

I am trying to process a Direct Retro using a chartstring I believe to be valid, however, I receive an error message when I try to submit. What should I do?

I am trying to process a Direct Retro using a chartstring I believe to be valid, however, I receive an error message when I try to submit: 'Combination Code Validation Failed with Reason: Failure: Invalid Combination.... Please correct the respective chart field value/s and retry. If error persists contact system administrator' What should I do?

Please use the chart of accounts validation lookup to verify your chartstring. 

For C&G managed funds, you will need to enter PC Business Unit, PC Project, PC Activity, and correct Chartfield 1 and Chartfield 2 fields (if they are mapped out).

If retroactive pay is issued after a Direct Retro or Funding Change is processed, will the system know?

Position funding for retroactive pay is based on the funding at the time the pay should have been received. If a Direct Retro has previously been completed, the current distribution will not be based on the updated Direct Retro distributions.

The best practice is that any time a Direct Retro is completed, the user should navigate back to the Position-Level funding on Funding Entry Page and make any necessary updates to the funding distribution data. Keeping the Funding Entry Page in sync with processed cost transfers is an optional, location-only business process.

On Direct Retros, if the federal fund is greater than 120 days and we're not changing the fund, rather only the CF1 field, for example, will it be considered high risk?

Definition of high risk Direct Retro:
Violates the 120 Day Rule: Increases the expense on a Federal or Federal Flow-through fund where the transaction is on a payroll transaction for which the original Pay End is prior to [SysDate – 120]


Violates the 90 Day Rule: Increases the expense on a Federal or Federal Flow-through fund where the Fund/Grant End Date is prior to [SysDate – 90].

Will the system prompt me to fill out the questionnaire for high risk Direct Retro items?

Yes. If the parameters for high risk are met, then you will not be able to save the transaction without completing the questionnaire. All high risk Direct Retros have another level of approval (Controller's Office Contracts & Grants).

Can I change multiple pay periods (paychecks) at the same time?

You can select multiple paychecks at the same time for a single transaction, but you still have to make the adjustment for each one.

Can Direct Retros move benefits as well?

Direct Retros move all associated benefits/fringe with the salary. If a location desires to move fringe only they will need to utilize Benefit Cost Transfer functionality in Path.

How are Direct Retros processed?

Commitment Accounting (CA) process will run to post fully approved Direct Retros several times per week.

What if a Direct Retro has been submitted for an employee’s previous paycheck?

Only one Direct Retro transaction can be submitted for the same paycheck. No additional changes can be made until the Commitment Accounting (CA) process runs to process that Direct Retro.

Where can I find the Suspense Items and how will I know if I need to change them?

There are reports that will be available to see if there are any suspense items. No system notification will be sent regarding items in suspense.

Transaction errors go to suspense chartstring as follows:

Salary account associated with the employee, fund 69995, a Division level Dept ID code, the CF1 value noted below:

  • CF1 = 900000: When a position is created but the position funding is not set up 
  • CF1 = 900001: When the payroll processing date is past the Funding End Date for the Earnings Distribution (generally applies to Contracts and Grants funds)
  • CF1 = 900002: When the provided chartstring was valid at the time of initial entry input, but becomes invalid before payroll processing

If a Direct Retro transaction is denied by an approver, can I make a copy of the request?

The Direct Retro form has a Copy Transaction button that will allow the transaction to be copied, edited, and resubmitted for approval.

Is the Direct Retro questionnaire only for federal funds or for the other funds too?

The questionnaire is only required for high-risk Direct Retros. The current 120 day/90 days rules for Federal funds/Federal flow-thru funds apply. The questionnaire is not required for other funds.

How do I create a Direct Retro when capped funds are involved?

If you have entered a capped fund and the employee's Total UC Salary value exceeds the salary cap rate, the system prompts you to use the Direct Retro Salary Cap/MCOP Funding Worksheet.

How does the system detect a capped fund?

Attributes of the Fund are sourced from Chart of Accounts data coming from Berkeley Financial System (BFS).

Will Direct Retro activity show up in the General Ledger?

Yes. Once Direct Retros are initiated, approved, and processed, they will be available in Berkeley's General Ledger (BFS).

When can corrective action be taken on a Direct Retro?

Once the Commitment Accounting (CA) batch has run, processing the transaction, additional updates can be made for the pay period.

Can I make a change to the distribution for part of an employee's salary?

Yes. You can move all or part of your existing funding to one or more funding accounts.

How can I correct or update Position Funding?

You can use a Direct Retro to reallocate the distributed money, and add an effective dated row to your Position Funding to reflect the changes. 

Can I change the Earnings Code using a Direct Retro?

No. Direct Retro allows for the redistribution of funding or split funding between multiple funding sources. However, the Earnings Code cannot be changed.

If an employee is funded by multiple chartstrings managed by more than one department, who initiates the Direct Retro transaction?

The department that owns the position (rather than the department that owns the funding).

For example, if an employee works primarily for department A and their position is funded by department A and partially by department C, department A would initiate the Direct Retro and enter the chartstrings for both departments A and C. If approval is required from department C, department A can attach approval documentation to the Direct Retro transaction. 

Can I view the status of Direct Retro transactions in my department, regardless of whether I am the initiator or not?

The initiator cannot see the list of transactions initiated in the Worklist, however, you can review the status of your Direct Retro transaction by navigating to PeopleSoft Menu > UC Workcenter > Review Retro Distribution. Departments can view transactions by search parameters such as EMPLID, Initiator, etc.

As a transactional user, can I be both the initiator and the approver?

No. In UCPath, you cannot be both the initiator and approver for any transaction.

Can I change the order of chartstring field names in the template?

Yes, you can change the order during your active session by using the Personalize link. However, we encourage users to familiarize themselves with the default order defined by UCPath. 

How do I create a Direct Retro for an employee who has multiple components of pay (MCOP)?

MCOP refers to employees who have more than one earn code.  You should use the Direct Retro Salary Cap/MCOP Funding Worksheet to complete your Direct Retro transaction for employees with MCOP.

What are the tabs Retro Distribute Deductions and Retro Distribute Taxes used for?

These are delivered components in PeopleSoft and currently not being used in UCPath.

Which pay periods can I perform Direct Retro on in UCPath?

All pay periods processed by UCPath beginning March 2019 will be available for Direct Retro activity. UCPath payroll data is not purged. 

Will Project Costing (PC) Chartfields populate or do I have to look-up the chartfields?

The system will not auto-populate Project Costing (PC) Chartfields.

HR Templates

Can FTEs exceed 1.0 for combined student jobs with one GSI appointment?

Yes, FTEs can exceed for combined student jobs with one GSI appointments due to Academic Overlap.

For cases where a Grad Student appointment (Tutor) needs to add a student assistant appointment, this does not qualify for Academic Overlap.

When there is a record on Short Work Break (SWB) and a concurrent hire is added, can the FLSA and PayGroup be mismatched?

When there is a record on Short Work Break (SWB) and a concurrent hire is added, the FLSA statuses need to match and the paygroup can be mismatched

How can International Phone Numbers be added or updated in UCPath?

International Numbers can be added or updated in UCPath by UC Berkeley Transactors or employee: 

UC Berkeley Transactor - Submit a Personal Data Template and add a request in the comments section to add/update the international phone number

Employee - Navigation: Employee Actions > Personal Information > Personal Information > Phone Numbers > Change Phone Numbers > Add Phone > Phone Type; select: Mobile-Personal, Mobile-Wor, or Work-Other Location > Enter International Phone Number and click Save

Is an MLA (Multi-Location Appointment) a required attachment on a "concurrent hire" or "add CWR" template when the combination of the two appointments is an employee at one location and a contingent worker (CWR) at the other?

Generally, MLAs are not required if the only other active Empl record at the other BU is a Contingent Worker instance. If the transaction is cancelled incorrectly, clone and resubmit with the comment for the processor to reference the Inquiry Ticket 01171275.
This does not apply to Student Volunteers (note-takers) at UXDSP (Job Code 009920). This is an employee titlecode and would require an MLA despite the fte being 0%. An MLA form is required to be attached to the template.

What template should be used to transfer an ASE or GSR?

Enter a full rehire, concurrent hire or use another inactive record within the same region (do not use a transfer) to transfer an ASE or GSR.

How do we process a hire for an employee that is on a short work break (SWB) at another location?

To prevent delays, if a new employee at UC Berkeley has an appointment at another location that is on a short work break (SWB), there are two options: 

  • The other location will need to (retro) terminate the position on SWB so that the hire template will be approved by the UCPath Center for UC Berkeley. 
  • We will need a Multi Location Agreement (MLA)

Please review these pages (staff/academic) for more information on MLA policies and procedures.

Is it acceptable to process a concurrent hire on the same effective date another Empl Record is being terminated?

Yes, it is an acceptable use of the UC_CONC_HIRE(_AC) HR template. This scenario has been observed when an employee is transitioning from one appointment on a single Empl Record to another appointment on a separate Empl Record, requiring a concurrent hire HR Template. An example of this would be a GSI appointment on Empl Record 0 with an Expected Job End Date of December 31st with a termination row effective January 1st, where a GSR appointment with another department is starting on January 1st. It is permissible to enter a UC_CONC_HIRE_AC template to process an Academic Concurrent Hire effective January 1st on a separate Empl Record (e.g., Empl Record 1).

UCPath Center understands this to be an acceptable use of a Concurrent Hire template and will approve transactions that fall under this scenario.

Does an employee on a leave of absence (LOA) need to be returned from LOA before a termination can be processed on their UCPath appointment?

If the employee is on a paid leave of absence, then the employee can still be on leave when the termination template is processed.

If the employee is on an unpaid leave of absence, there is no need to return the employee to a paid statusif no payout is expected.

If an employee is on an unpaid leave and needs to be paid out, then they do need to be returned from leave so that the pay can be processed. 

Initiator & Approval Workflow

Does Payroll also enter Retirement templates?

The Payroll team would complete this termination template as they do the others. The template type signals additional work downstream for UCPC/RASC.

For Merits + TDIs what will the process be? Are we still doing mass salary updates and how will we catch the fall out?

Similar process to current state but it's managed by UCPC. UCB Compensation and APO will work with UCPath Center.

When would the approver deny the request instead of pushback?

If one approval level is defined, then approve or deny are the only two options. If more than one level of approvals is defined, then pushback is an additional option.

Lived Name

I updated my middle name in UCPath why am I not seeing it?

UCPath only displays the lived first and last name throughout the system. Lived middle name is only visible and displayed in your personal information summary within the Edit Legal Name/Name page. Although your lived middle name will not be visible on the screens within UCPath, that information will be sent downstream to campus (e.g., Campus Directory and bMail).

Edit Legal Name/Name Page with Lived Name First and Middle Name changed

Legal Name/Name Screen displaying updated Lived First Name but not Lived Middle Name

How can you search for name with accented and special characters?

At this time Lived Name does not accommodate searching for accented and special characters. It is recommended to search by the employee's ID as much as possible, but if it is necessary to search by name, there are a few strategies you may use:

  • Create the text in Microsoft Word (using the insert symbol function) or Google Docs, and copy/ paste into UCPath.
  • Use the PDF of special characters and copy from there before pasting into UCPath. 
  • Last, depending on which page you are searching, you may have the ability to search under the legal name fields.

Will there be issues with I-9 Document Verification?

The I-9 tracker process will remain as is. I-9 tracker uses legal name. 

Do offer letters contain the employee’s legal name?

Offer letters do not mandate legal name, and are addressed to the employee with their lived name.

Do Hire Templates allow lived name entry in addition to legal name?

There are fields for both Name and Legal Name on the Hire template. If you know an employee’s (lived) name at the time of hire, you can enter that information at that time. Otherwise, you can leave the fields blank and the system will copy over the Legal Name into the Name fields. Later, once the employee is active in UCPath, they can update their information through UCPath Online or a Personal Data Change Template can be submitted on their behalf.

Screenshot of the Smart HR Transaction page and the section where Legal Name is entered.

Do we need to start asking for legal name prior to the hiring process?

Prior to the hiring process, set the expectation that their name, legal name, and documentation will need to be provided at the time of hire. Ensure you are referring to employees by their lived name at all times, and inform them that legal name is only required to ensure benefits and payroll information and employment verification are set up correctly.

What do I do if I think I need to know someone's legal name? How do I ask for a legal name?

  • If your role involves working with information or records that require you to request a legal name, it is important that this is done respectfully, discreetly, and with empathy.

  • Analyze if there are any other unique identifiers that you can use to confirm identity (employee/student ID number, street address, phone number, email etc.)

  • Confirm that you are authorized to ask an employee for their legal name and that it is necessary for the business operation you are facilitating.

  • Ensure the setting is discrete and private when requesting their legal name. Reiterate your commitment to confidentiality.

  • Make it clear why you are asking and why you need their legal name. Provide the person with information about where their legal name will be used and who will have access to it.

  • Ask for their legal name by asking, “Do you have a legal name that is different from the name that you use?”

What will the name fields look like on Smart HR Transactions?

The name fields will be labeled on the Smart HR Transaction page and all UCPath pages as:

  1. Name = A person’s lived name

  2. Legal Name = A person’s legal name

Note: If you are doing a concurrent hire, rehire, or transfer, the name fields display Lived Name. If you are processing a brand new hire, you can also enter an employee’s legal name at the time of hire, in addition to a lived name.

  1. Screenshot of the Smart HR Transaction page and the section where Legal Name is entered.

Will pronouns be implemented in the UCPath system as part of this project?

Pronouns will be implemented in the UCPath system as part of a separate UCPC Roadmap Project, intended to be implemented in 2024.

Will reports via Cognos or other systems be updated to show Lived Name even for periods prior to Go Live?

Historical data or already generated historical Cognos reports and UCPath PDFs can’t be changed and will show the same data as before.

Cognos Reports were modified to display Lived Name. Any Cognos report run after the lived name is updated will display the lived name.

What pages and documents will retain legal name?

UCPath Pages:

  • Workforce Job Summary

  • Job Data

  • Modify a Person

  • General Deduction Entry Update

  • Review Paycheck

  • Review Paycheck Summary

  • CA State - W4

  • Federal Withholding

  • Add Dependent

  • Admin Verification of Employment

  • Search for People (Search/Match)


  • W-2, W-4, Paycheck

  • Employment Verification Form

  • Explanation of Benefits document (not the email but the actual attachment)

  • State Agency Prior Service Form

Refer List of Updated UCPath Online Pages for more information.

How do we handle the hiring process moving forward?

Each region should have reevaluated their hiring process and made changes to their data collection forms. If someone gives us a lived name at the time of hire, you can enter that information directly into the template. If they do not provide one, enter the Legal Name (and a process will run to copy that into the Lived Name fields.) The new employee can always log into UCPath and add a lived name at any time. It is crucial to protect a person’s legal name the same way we protect SSN (Social Security Number).

As a transactor, how do I know if I am searching/transacting on the right employee?

  1. Name fields in UCPath will refer to a person’s lived name.

  2. Legal Name fields in UCPath will refer to a person’s legal name.

Screenshot of the options under Find an Existing Value.

  1. The best way to search for employees in UCPath is to use the UCPath Employee ID, also known as EMPLID. Transactors should use the name that is provided in the Name field in UCPath to identify employees. An employee's Name could be a lived name, preferred name, or legal name.

  2. If you need to confirm an individual’s identity, use other verification methods when possible:  DOB, street address, phone number, email etc. 

  3. If you need to find an EMPLID watch the How to Use Search Person/Search Match to Find EMPLID in UCPathvideo.

Why is it important to use a person’s lived name? Why might some individuals use lived names and not legal names?

For most people their legal name will match their lived name, but for some people their legal name is different than their lived name. It is important to use a person’s lived name because:

  • Using correct names and pronouns shows respect, acceptance, and honors individual agency. 

  • Names hold meaning and value and are an essential part of our identity.

  • Names are a core part of how we are introduced and how others understand us.

  • For transgender and nonbinary people, choosing a lived name is a critical part of asserting their humanity and existence.

  • Respecting and using a person’s lived name fosters an inclusive community.

  • Our job is to center each person with the name they use and navigate our interactions with respect and intentionality.

There are many of us who are benefiting from using our lived names. Some individuals may use lived names and not legal names because:

  • It is a name that accurately reflects a person's gender identity, including trans and nonbinary people, people whose gender identity is different than indicated on official documents.

  • An international scholar/student selects another name for campus use.

  • People whose lived or preferred name is a variation of their legal name (e.g., international students, faculty, and staff who have adopted Anglicized names.)

  • It is a name that reflects a cultural or familial preference/practice.

  • It is used for safety reasons, such as survivors of abuse or trafficking.

  • It is a professional name on published works.

  • It is a pen name an author uses or married people who had a legal name change but prefer to use the name under which they have published academic works.

  • It is a nickname.

Off-Cycle / Final Pay

What is an “Off-Cycle” check?

An Off-Cycle check is any payment that is not paid on the employee’s regular “on-cycle” pay cycle (either monthly or biweekly). This payment can be necessary when employees miss a significant amount of pay (e.g., missed time card, incorrect hours). Though the processing frequency is still being finalized, off-cycle pay will most likely be processed 2-3 times a week, and the employee will be paid with their regular payment method (direct deposit vs. paper check). This process will be different from a “Rush Check."

When requesting an Off Cycle Check/payment, can a percentage or dollar amount be entered?

Amounts can be submitted in hours, flat dollar amounts, or percentages, depending on what is appropriate for the employee type and earn code. For example, to submit regular pay (earn code REG) for monthly exempt employees, you can enter a salary % value.

However, the same REG pay for biweekly employees would be entered using hours.

Could the “Off-Cycle” form be used to request a Rush check? If so, how?

Since there is no Rush Check form, submit the request using the Off-Cycle Pay Form. After that transaction is submitted for approval, submit a separate request to UC Path Center to indicate there’s an Off-Cycle request submitted that is a rush, and needs to be processed.

Can rush checks or Off-Cycle Pay be direct deposited?

In UCPath, Off-Cycle checks will default to the regular method of payment the employee has chosen. If the employee has already signed up for direct deposit, the payment will be directly deposited. 

Can Merit increases be paid on the next available pay cycle or could they be paid Off-Cycle?

Merit Increases are a data change a department would make in the PayPath template, using Merit Increase as an action reason. UCPath will automatically generate the pay differential and include that retro pay on the next On-Cycle issue. No other form needs to be generated (for example, Additional Pay). However, there are positions with Earn Codes that are not eligible for Merit Increases.*

*If an employee has additional compensation based on a % of salary, and the earn code for that action is not eligible for retroactive pay, then the initiator would have to submit an additional pay request for the difference owed on the ineligible earn code.

Will overtime (OT) be entered differently once UCPath goes live?

Overtime would be recorded in CalTime which will feed payroll at UCPC for payment processing. If an employee’s status (non-exempt) allows OT, the OT will be paid.

Can retro-active hours or flat dollar amounts for a By Agreement (BYA/BYN) employee be processed on an Off-Cycle pay form?

Yes, retro-active hours can be processed for BYA/BYN employees in an Off-Cycle Pay form. 

Can Bonuses, Star awards, and SPOT Awards be paid using the Off-Cycle form?

Bonuses should be submitted as a One-Time Pay using the One-Time Pay form and will be paid on their regular pay cycle. Since bonuses are generally paid on cycle, please refer to your department/regions policies for more information about Off-Cycle Pay. 

Can the earn code CIA (“Coach Incentive Award,” a bonus) still be used in UCPath?

As we transition to UCPath, some earn codes will be changed to meet UCOP guidelines. 

CIA will change to “CNB” Coach Non-Base pay. 

On the Off-Cycle form, the earn code options available will be defined by the employees’ pay group.  As we go live, a job aid will be available that describes and lists earn codes. 

Is there any difference if you put it in on a regular pay day or on an “off-cycle”?

All pay should be paid on a regular cycle whenever possible. Off-Cycle pay is often used in sensitive situations.  Refer to your department/regions policies for more information. 

Will there be visibility to see other Off-Cycle Pay requests pending for an employee?

On the left side of the Off-Cycle form, all current Off-Cycle pay requests, approved, denied, or pending will be available for view. 

What is the deadline for submitting an Off-Cycle Pay to pay an employee?

UCPath Center will provide payroll calendars, which will list the deadlines for Off-Cycle Pay. Requests must be submitted and approved by the listed deadlines in order to be processed. As we go live, UCPath Center calendars will be published. 

How will Multi-Location Appointment (MLA) employees be entered into the Off Cycle/Final Pay form?

The Home Campus will pay the employee for all work at all locations. The “home/primary” campus for the employee must be determined. If Berkeley is not the Home Campus and an MLA employee is owed pay, then you must contact the Home Campus on behalf of the employee to schedule the payment.

If Berkeley is the Home Campus, Off Cycle/Final Pay is processed per regular steps. 

How are Damage Payments handled?

Damage Payments are submitted when a person performs work before they are on-boarded, or officially become an employee.

The process depends on whether or not an employee has been paid for services prior to signing the Oath. 

When an employee has been paid for services prior to signing the Oath:

  • Submit an Inquiry with the subject "Damage Payment"
  1. Provide pay period(s) that need to be reversed
  2. Provide damage payment amount that should be paid (this should be in hourly increments)
  • The UCPath Center will reverse the affected pay period(s) and generate the damage payment (DMG) via the off-cycle process. Any accrued vacation will be paid out to the employee.

When an employee has NOT been paid for services prior to signing the Oath:

  • Submit a Payroll Request (E-087) for an off-cycle check.
  1. Provide comments that indicate that this is a Damage Payment (DMG)
  2. Provide Damage Payment amount to include hours by pay period, vacation, and any legally required benefits
  • The UCPath Center will process the Damage Payment.

If an employee leaves on the last day of their pay period, would a Final Pay request need to be entered?

For example, Graduate Student Instructor (GSI)/ Graduate Student Researcher (GSR) appointments normally end at the end of a month. As they are not eligible for accruals, a final pay request would not need to be submitted for Final Pay.

If the employee is leaving at the end of their natural pay period, then a Final Pay request needs to be submitted only if the employee has vacation/accruals that need to be paid out. 

When do I need to submit a Final Pay Request?

A Final pay request must be submitted if the employee has accruals and is owed those accrual hours. In addition, a Final Pay request must be submitted if the termination occurs in the middle of a pay period.

If there are no hours worked and no accruals exist in the current pay period in which the employee terminates, no Final Pay needs to be submitted- the pay will be naturally generated (and no further pay will be issued). 

Is there an option to assign a new chartstring to some or all hours worked?

Yes, a chartstring/s can be added (or adjusted as desired) in UCPath for all employees.

Rows listing hours and a corresponding chartstring can be added one at a time. 

The default chartstring is automatically applied in all rows; by checking the override box, blank chartstring fields will appear and the desired chartstring can now be entered.

In the Off-Cycle form in UCPath, what chartstring will be charged?

The Off-Cycle pay request will default to charge the employee’s pre-defined positions’ funding/chartstring(s). 

Do separate instances of Off Cycle Pay need to be submitted separately or can they be combined?

For example, a bi-weekly employee needs hours designated per work week; one row could be added for hours worked in week 1, and another row can be added for week 2.

If the employee and Job Record are the same, multiple Off-Cycle Requests for pay can be combined into one request. By clicking the + sign, multiple earn codes can be added, with specific beginning and end dates in new rows (as many as are needed).  There is no limit to the number of rows that can be added to an instance of an Off-Cycle request.

If an employee has multiple jobs, how many Off-Cycle pay requests can be submitted?

An Off-Cycle request form must be submitted separately for each job record as needed. 

Payroll Processing Schedule

Can a Direct Retro be submitted during the hold times outlined on the payroll processing schedule?

Yes, Direct Retro transactions can be submitted regardless of the payroll processing schedule, because they do not impact the pay for a current pay period. Instead, these transactions are shifting funding sources for pay which has already been distributed. Only pay-impacting transactions and PayPath transactions should be held as outlined in the Payroll Processing Schedule. 

There seemed to be a discrepancy in the payroll processing schedule in that accrual transactions need to be entered by the Inbound Files date, but are included in the transactions that should not be processed. Can someone please clarify this?

There seemed to be a discrepancy in the payroll processing schedule in that accrual transactions need to be entered by the Inbound Files date, but are included in the transactions that should not be processed (often a day before the deadline for inbound files). Can someone please clarify this?

The Employee Data Change Deadline, the first column in the location section of the Payroll Processing schedule, is actually for deadline purposes, rather than for hold dates. For this reason, you can continue to focus on the outlined Inbound Files date so long as the transaction is being processed as a mass file. See page 3-4 on the Job Aid: Review the Payroll Processing Schedule

Note: The E-084 Manage accruals inbound file writes directly to the employee’s accrual table; an employee data change. Different deadlines apply, so it’s listed in both the Inbound Files - Description and Employee Data Changesections of the Payroll Processing Schedule.

Can leave transactions be submitted during the processing hold times outlined on the Payroll Processing Schedule?

Yes. Like HR Templates, Extended Absence Transactions can continue to be processed so long as they are not sent as a mass inbound file, since they do not write directly to the UCPath system without UCPath Center first processing. 

Can Smart HR templates continue to be submitted during the “blackout period” listed on the Payroll Processing Schedule?

Yes, HR Templates can continue to be processed during this window, since they require processing at the UCPath Center before writing to the system. However, anything submitted after 3:00 PM of the cutoff date will not be processed for current pay cycle. The UCPath Team team will hold work on these until the  “resume” date listed on the Payroll Processing schedule. Refer to the Payroll Processing document section for “What does this mean for a location” and “What can I continue to do in between the STOP and RESUME date/times?”

Is it okay to enter future dated PayPath and Position Management transactions during the blackout dates?

Only if the PayPath and Position Management transactions have an effective date beyond the payroll cycle resume date is it okay to submit these future dated transactions.

Can Position Management transactions be entered during the blackout dates if there is no incumbent in the position?

Yes, vacant and new positions are okay to transact as long as there is no incumbent in the position- vacant position changes are not pay impacting Other Position management changes (especially those with incumbents in the position) should be held until the “Resume” date on the Payroll Processing Schedule.

Are the blackout dates specific to a pay cycle, i.e., can transactions for MO employees be completed during a hold on transactions for BW employee transactions?

Yes, the hold dates are pay cycle specific. If the current pay period corresponds to biweekly employees, monthly transactions can be entered and vice versa. See page 10 on the Job Aid: Review the Payroll Processing Schedule

What transactions have to be stopped (not approved)?

  • Position Management Update transactions for the current or previous pay cycles cannot be entered during this period, when there is an incumbent in the position.

  • PayPath transactions for the current or previous pay cycles cannot be entered during this period.

Note: the problem is when transactions are initiated and approved because then they will write to the UCPath system and cause issues with the Payroll Processing for that pay period. It is okay to initiate the transaction and NOT approve it until the blackout period has passed for that pay cycle.

What is a “pay-impacting” transaction?

A pay-impacting transaction is any transaction in UCPath that updates Job Data in such a way that impacts the frequency in which an employee is paid, amount owed, or the funding for an employee in the current pay cycle or prior pay cycle (i.e., retroactive transaction) during the Payroll production process. This also includes position management changes for positions which are currently assigned to employees. Any job data change, such as a retro-active lower rate change, that will cause an overpayment.

A pay-impacting transaction includes position and incumbent job data changes such as:

  • Job data change (i.e. fte, comp rate, pay cycle, title code, benefits etc.)

  • Retroactive Job data change which causes the retro module to be triggered

  • Additional pay change (change to recurring additional pay such as amount, earn code, effective date etc.)

  • Position management change impacting the incumbents job data

What transactions can be initiated and approved during the Payroll Processing Schedule stop dates (“blackout period”)?

  • PayPath transactions outside of the current on-cycle pay period; e.g., if the current pay period being processed corresponds to biweekly employees, you may enter monthly transactions.

  • Non-PayPath transactions, e.g., HR templates and leaves.

  • Transactions with effective dates beyond the current pay period (including PayPath transactions).

  • Employee data changes that affect payroll must be submitted and approved in UCPath by 3:00 PM. Changes submitted after 3:00 PM will not be included in the pay run. 

  • Locations may continue to send HR Template and Leave of Absence transactions after the STOP date and time. However, if these transactions impact pay, they will not be processed until the resume processing date and will be included in the next pay cycle. 

  • E-702 Funding Entry Page and E-703 Funding Upload is due a day (EOD) prior to the Pay Confirm Date.

Person / Job Data and PayPath

How should Active Service Modified Duties (ASMD) be entered into UCPath?

ASMD if for Academic Personnel Use Only. It is used for tracking modified service when an academic appointee has substantial responsibility for a newborn child or adoptee.

This is entered into UCPath as a a PayPath transaction (NOT as an Absence Management transaction). When submitting the PayPath transaction, the action code for ASMD entry is "DTA", and the Reason Code is "ASM".

Is management approval required to cancel a retro trigger for FTE increases?

Management Approval is no longer required to cancel retro triggers for FTE increases. Therefore, all off-cycles received for FTE increases will be scheduled for processing as any other off-cycle request that is submitted correctly. The Off-Cycle Team will no longer be reaching out to Management for approval to cancel the retro trigger. The Off-Cycle Team will no longer be reaching out to the Retro Team to request cancellation of triggers for FTE increases. The Retro Team will cancel such triggers as they identify them per their processes.

Can an employee with multiple jobs may be paid as salaried on one job and hourly on another job as long as the paygroup is the same FLSA and say pay frequency?

For example, if we would like to pay an exempt reader and tutor as biweekly hourly (1BH) and their second position is a graduate student instructor. Could we pay the GSI position as biweekly salaried (1BE)?

As long as FLSA status has been aligned for both jobs then yes the set up in your example of 1BH and 1BE would be acceptable.

Please be advised that similar to the XMH paygroup, the XBE paygroup requires an override to be applied and therefore this request should be documented in the template comments when submitting the transaction. This paygroup also requires a very specific compensation setup in which the pay component frequency needs to be annual, while the compensation frequency needs to be set as "B" (biweekly). So long as this compensation setup is established and the BE paygroup override is requested in your template comments we can align this job to any other biweekly/hourly job.

What is the max amount that can we set up as a one time payment?

There are no max number of rows, effective dates, or amounts from a system standpoint. 

For employees who retire but who need to have an active record, will the retire template terminate all records? If yes, should we mark them as POI? Is this when the office of retirees steps in?

Yes, UCPC would terminate all the records. If this person is to become an Emeritus, a template would need to be submitted to add that. (Just as today we enter the Emeritus appointment).

If Retirement office needs to process anything, they will do so. That's why coding it as a Retirement is important, so that their processes can be kicked off.

For Location Use End Date, are we required to choose a Location Use Type?

No, it is only optional if you are using it for some business need of your own and want to run a report on that field. If you enter a Location Use Type, you must enter a Location Use End Date (and vice versa). 

Can the template be edited in any way by the initiator or the approved after it was submitted to UCPath?

It cannot be edited unless it is denied by the approver or canceled by UCPC. Approvers also can't edit any fields, they are in a read only role for this template. 

Do appointments (Department chairs and Academics) merge in UCPath or will they be separate?

Course: Paypath Transactions

They will be on separate job records.

If there is a range adjustment applied to a record in Paypath will it activate retro pay for all?

Yes, as long as the effective date of the range adjustment is after UCPath go live.

For retro hires, will the system know to process retro payroll?

No, you would have to take active steps to generate payment.

What is the process if an employee is changing jobs?

For example, a Graduate Student Researcher (GSR) one semester, then a Graduate Student Instructor (GSI) another semester.

The action would be to update the Job as is done in current state.

Is there an action/reason code for partial year career employees going out on furlough?

The list of Action/Reasons viewable during the demonstration in PayPath may have been limited by the type of employee, the tab being viewed (position or job or pay), and the action chosen. 

The list viewed was not the full list which will be available in future transactions. More information about action/reason choices will be provided at a later date.

Short Work Break: Can you give an example of a Unit 18 where you would utilize a short work break? Would this not apply for continuing appointments that are only one semester a year?

The scenario envisioned by the team:

Someone is a lecturer in the Spring January 1 to May 31. The department decides they will also teach July 1-August 30. Instead of terminating their position, the process would be to extend the appointment through August (end date August 30) and then put the employee on a Short Work Break from June 1 to June 30.

How do you see the history of changes made in PayPath component?

Users will have view access to Job Data, so historical rows are visible. Forms are just a front end for adding transactions because UCPath is not allowing edit access to parts of the UCPATH system. The custom pay PayPath component brings together the ability to make Position + Job + Pay updates in one place.

If someone adds a stipend on the “Addl Pay” tab in PayPath, will it pay them?

Yes. Additional Pay for employees can be added in PayPath or by using the Additional Pay forms. 

What is the new process for joint hiring/appointment through more than one unit?

This business process needs to be defined as there will likely be some similarities because both current and future state use PeopleSoft design and permissions to access records and approve transactions.

Person of Interest (POI)

Can you leave gender as Unknown?

Yes, the system will allow you to leave gender as unknown for the POI template.

Can you enter an international address?

No, you have to enter a US address (for the POI template). 

Can you enter international phone numbers?

Yes. If you do, make sure to add a comment that states you have entered an international phone number.

Position Funding

Can I change the order of chartstring field names in the template?

Yes, you can change the order during your active session by using the Personalize link. However, we encourage users to familiarize themselves with the default order defined by UCPath. 

What happens when there's a retroactive pay increase and a direct retro needs to be done on the retroactive pay? Can initiators pull up the retro pay?

Yes. The employee's paycheck would include the retroactive pay, an earn code separate from regular earnings would be associated with the retroactive pay. The earn code begins with '9' for retroactive items.

Does the initiator have to start from scratch to fix a denied position funding transaction? Is there a copy function?

There is a "copy to new transaction" button. However, it isn't for direct retro transactions, only for position funding. 

Does a retro pay change affect position funding?

Retro pay change does not affect current position funding.

How are Department Ids assigned, at which Org Node level (ex. L3, etc) ?

The Department IDs are at level 4,5,6. The department is based on where the position sits. 

How do you see departmental notifications? Who will be notified?

Initiators will receive a notification that their transaction has been approved or denied. Approvers will receive a notification to approve a transaction and may navigate to the transaction using the link in the body of the email and/or using their worklist if they are in UCPath. Additionally, there are available funding reports in Cognos that as a Cognos user one may run for a department.

When will benefit adjustments hit the ledger?

Benefits follow the employee's salary.

Is legacy HCM accessible for view-only access (for current vacant position information) after go-live?

Legacy HCM will be available through September 2019 for those who already have access. Legacy HCM data can be accessed through Cal Answers reports.

Can we have multiple positions connected to one funding record?

No. Each position requires its own funding. Funding is the same for a single-headcount or a multi-headcount position. 

Can an approver edit the position funding transaction before approval?

The approver should deny the transaction and the initiator should make the changes and resubmit the transaction for approval. 

Does the Effective Date for position funding matter?

Yes! Effective Date for position funding must be equal to or later than the Effective Date of the position. The position must be created before you can fund it. Additionally, position funding Effective Date should be prior to the hire Effective Date in order to avoid any pay going into suspense.

What is the Pool ID field on the Position page?

Pool ID is used by the Work-Study unit to enter students' Work-Study codes.

Example: The Work-Study codes (e.g. C or G) will go into "pools" (e.g. Work-Study student in "G").

For more information, refer to the Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships.

What is “MCOP"?

Multiple Components of Pay. There is a link on the Position Funding page to access the Multiple Components of Pay worksheet to assist you with proper funding. 

For academics when the incumbent’s salary funding is sourced from a capped fund, exceeds over-the-cap (OTC) fund and the OTC default chartstring should not be used, how should the funding be processed?

The earn code, "GAP" should be used for the amount that is over the cap. This step would act as a reversal of the amount above the salary cap.

When does a payroll cost get charged to the payroll suspense chartstring or the department’s default chartstring as opposed to being charged to the specified FAU(s)?

When a position is set up by the department, a departmental default fund charstring is required. Payroll costs for the incumbent of the position will be charged to the department’s default chartstring if a Funding Entry to update the Earnings Distribution to a specific FAU (e.g., PI’s research fund) has not been initiated and approved. Additionally, if the Funding Entry initiator specifies a Funding End Date for any given FAU, the portion of the payroll costs associated with that FAU will go into suspense (i.e., get charged to the departmental chartstring) during the pay period(s) after the Funding End Date.

Is there approval routing at the funding level?

No. The approvals would be routed based on department, not funding.

Can other chartfields besides fund code be used to gather characteristics of the fund?

No. The system will retrieve additional information for the fund code from various fund tables. Some fund attributes are capped/uncapped, annual cap rate. Additionally, the fund code lookup table is sourced from the Fund Attribute table.

How is funding source changed for additional pay?

The earn code for the additional pay with the chartstring is entered in the Position Funding form. If the additional pay was due to a stipend, the earn code for stipend, “STP,” along with the chartstring would be added in the form.

Are there additional reasons why funding would default to the general fund, other than the expiration date of a current fund?

Yes. A chartstring may be valid at the time of entry in Position Funding, however, it may become invalid prior to Commitment Accounting Actuals/General Ledger batch processing. This instance would result in an edit error being flagged and a default chartstring would be used. The initiator will see any system-identified errors as they are working on the Position Funding Entry, or when there is an attempt to save and submit the transaction. However, if a Funding Entry is both successfully saved and approved but payroll still goes into suspense (departmental default chartstring), it could be due to a system error or that the Funding Entry did not meet the deadline for that pay period.

In UCPath, does the account automatically pre-populate based on the position?

The user is not required to enter the account chartfields.

Can the funding end date occur prior to the appointment end date?

Yes. However, if the funding end date expires, the system will pull from the suspense account.

Does the system validate each field or the full chartstring?

The system performs individual chartfield validation, and it also validates the full chartstring.

Can the effective date be retroactive?

Yes, as long as the funding effective date is between the budget begin and end date. You can enter a change in funding with an effective date in the past (e.g. use yesterday’s date) as long as that is a valid date for the position.

How far forward/in the future can I enter the effective date?

The funding effective date should be between budget begin and end date. There is no stated limitation for how far in the future (as long as it’s during the period in which the position is active).

How many distributions can I have?

There is no limit to the amount of many distributions that can be entered in the UCPath system. The limits in the current state are driven by PPS (Personnel Payroll System), which will not exist in the future state.

Can we create a position before funding is established?

Yes. Funding is not tied to a position.  However, a position must be created in UCPath before you can apply funding to it.

Position Management

When should the "N - I-9 integration not required" HR Worksite be used?

In the rare situation that a position number is needed for a contingent worker (CWR), and an I-9 is not required, the HR Worksite field in Position needs to be “N – I-9 integration not required”.  The “N” worksite must be in place prior to hire, otherwise, an I-9 may improperly be triggered and emailed to the employee to complete.
If the position has already been created with the incorrect HR Worksite field, a Position Update Form should be submitted via a case inquiry to the UCPath Center to request the worksite update in position because the HR Worksite cannot be updated via PayPath.

If you have a contingent worker “A” who supervises another contingent worker “B”, but contingent worker “B” does not need to submit a timesheet in CalTime, does contingent worker “A” still need to have a position number?

Position numbers are only assigned to contingent workers who need to sign off on the time of an employee they supervise. If a contingent worker "A" supervises another continent worker "B," there is no CalTime involved, so therefore no need for a position number. If a contingent worker "A" supervises an employee "B", who enters time into CalTime that then needs to be approved, the contingent worker "A" will need a position number.

Can an incumbent employee and the replacement (new hire) employee occupy the same Position number during a training overlap period?

When hiring the replacement, use the same Position number. It is not necessary to update the Max Headcount on Position for this transitional overlap if it is for a limited period of time. The Position can be overallocated during the transition period, and will revert back to full once the original incumbent terminates. 

Is there an option for mass inactivate position?

Course: Position Control

No, you can program individual hires to be terminated on a specific date. 

What is the process if hours are distributed to the wrong chartstring(s)?

A chartstring will be referred to as “FAU” (Full Accounting Unit) in the new system.  If hours were distributed to the wrong FAU (a.k.a. Chartstring), the department should initiate a Direct Retro transaction to move the expenses to the correct FAU(s).

What are the timing constraints around direct retros? After we make a direct retro, do we need to wait until the next accounting period to verify that changes were made correctly?

Direct Retros occur in UCPath as soon as the transaction is submitted and processed in the nightly batch process. Completed direct retros will be fed to the General Ledger.

Do staff have the ability to view the dates that employees are on leave?

Yes. Designated employees within each department have Inquiry access in UCPath to view employee data – including leave information. Additionally, they can access UCPath data through UCPath reports.


Do offer letters contain someone’s pronouns?

No. Offer letters should address the person by name, not by 3rd person pronoun.

Which pages in UCPath will display employee pronoun information?

Only pages that display a mouseover for the employee’s name will display pronoun information. If the page displays the employee’s legal name, instead of their lived name, pronoun information will not be available, even if there is a mouseover. 

A full list of pages where lived names and/or pronouns are listed.

Will pronouns be displayed on all pages within UCPath?

No. Only pages that display a mouseover for the employee’s name will display pronoun information. If the page displays the employee’s legal name, instead of their lived name, pronoun information will not be available, even if there is a mouseover. 

A full list of pages where lived names and/or pronouns are listed.

Will Contingent Workers, POIs, or Affiliates be able to update their pronouns in the directory still?

No. There is no option to add pronouns for Contingent workers, POIs, or Affiliates in the directory.

Can contingent workers, POIs and dependents include their pronouns in UCPath?

No. Pronouns can only be added by employees through employee self-service. Contingent workers, POIs, and dependents do not have access to employee self-service. 

How /where do I find someone’s pronouns in UCPath?

When viewing employee data on a transactional or inquiry page in UCPath, the employee’s name may be shown at the top of the page in bold text with a dotted underline. If so, hover your mouse over the name. A mouseover card will display showing employee information, including, if available, their pronoun. 

Hovering over the employee's name will show their pronoun.

If the employee has not entered their pronouns, this will display as blank. Please note, two pronoun options do not display: 

  • My pronouns are not listed
  • Decline to State

Please note, that there are two types of pages in UCPath that will not show the employee’s pronoun information: 

  1. If the page displays the employee’s legal name, instead of their lived name, at the top of the page, pronouns will not display in the mouseover card. 
  2. If the employee’s name at the top of the page is not bold with a dotted underline, then no mouse-over card has been configured for this page. Pronoun information will not be available here. In this case, you should look up the employee on another page that does display pronouns (for example, Person Organizational Summary). 

Do we need to/can we include pronouns on the hire template?

No. Employees are responsible for selecting their pronouns. They will be prompted to do so when they first sign into UCPath. 

Why is it important to use someone’s identified pronouns?

Using someone's correct pronouns is an important way of affirming their identity.