What is a “pay-impacting” transaction?

A pay-impacting transaction is any transaction in UCPath that updates Job Data in such a way that impacts the frequency in which an employee is paid, amount owed, or the funding for an employee in the current pay cycle or prior pay cycle (i.e., retroactive transaction) during the Payroll production process. This also includes position management changes for positions which are currently assigned to employees. Any job data change, such as a retro-active lower rate change, that will cause an overpayment.

A pay-impacting transaction includes position and incumbent job data changes such as:

  • Job data change (i.e. fte, comp rate, pay cycle, title code, benefits etc.)

  • Retroactive Job data change which causes the retro module to be triggered

  • Additional pay change (change to recurring additional pay such as amount, earn code, effective date etc.)

  • Position management change impacting the incumbents job data