Person / Job Data and PayPath
How should Active Service Modified Duties (ASMD) be entered into UCPath?
ASMD if for Academic Personnel Use Only. It is used for tracking modified service when an academic appointee has substantial responsibility for a newborn child or adoptee.
This is entered into UCPath as a a PayPath transaction (NOT as an Absence Management transaction). When submitting the PayPath transaction, the action code for ASMD entry is "DTA", and the Reason Code is "ASM".
Is management approval required to cancel a retro trigger for FTE increases?
Management Approval is no longer required to cancel retro triggers for FTE increases. Therefore, all off-cycles received for FTE increases will be scheduled for processing as any other off-cycle request that is submitted correctly. The Off-Cycle Team will no longer be reaching out to Management for approval to cancel the retro trigger. The Off-Cycle Team will no longer be reaching out to the Retro Team to request cancellation of triggers for FTE increases. The Retro Team will cancel such triggers as they identify them per their processes.
Can an employee with multiple jobs may be paid as salaried on one job and hourly on another job as long as the paygroup is the same FLSA and say pay frequency?
As long as FLSA status has been aligned for both jobs then yes the set up in your example of 1BH and 1BE would be acceptable.
Please be advised that similar to the XMH paygroup, the XBE paygroup requires an override to be applied and therefore this request should be documented in the template comments when submitting the transaction. This paygroup also requires a very specific compensation setup in which the pay component frequency needs to be annual, while the compensation frequency needs to be set as "B" (biweekly). So long as this compensation setup is established and the BE paygroup override is requested in your template comments we can align this job to any other biweekly/hourly job.
What is the max amount that can we set up as a one time payment?
There are no max number of rows, effective dates, or amounts from a system standpoint.
For employees who retire but who need to have an active record, will the retire template terminate all records? If yes, should we mark them as POI? Is this when the office of retirees steps in?
Yes, UCPC would terminate all the records. If this person is to become an Emeritus, a template would need to be submitted to add that. (Just as today we enter the Emeritus appointment).
If Retirement office needs to process anything, they will do so. That's why coding it as a Retirement is important, so that their processes can be kicked off.
For Location Use End Date, are we required to choose a Location Use Type?
No, it is only optional if you are using it for some business need of your own and want to run a report on that field. If you enter a Location Use Type, you must enter a Location Use End Date (and vice versa).
Can the template be edited in any way by the initiator or the approved after it was submitted to UCPath?
It cannot be edited unless it is denied by the approver or canceled by UCPC. Approvers also can't edit any fields, they are in a read only role for this template.
Do appointments (Department chairs and Academics) merge in UCPath or will they be separate?
They will be on separate job records.
If there is a range adjustment applied to a record in Paypath will it activate retro pay for all?
Yes, as long as the effective date of the range adjustment is after UCPath go live.
For retro hires, will the system know to process retro payroll?
No, you would have to take active steps to generate payment.
What is the process if an employee is changing jobs?
The action would be to update the Job as is done in current state.
Is there an action/reason code for partial year career employees going out on furlough?
The list of Action/Reasons viewable during the demonstration in PayPath may have been limited by the type of employee, the tab being viewed (position or job or pay), and the action chosen.
The list viewed was not the full list which will be available in future transactions. More information about action/reason choices will be provided at a later date.
Short Work Break: Can you give an example of a Unit 18 where you would utilize a short work break? Would this not apply for continuing appointments that are only one semester a year?
The scenario envisioned by the team:
Someone is a lecturer in the Spring January 1 to May 31. The department decides they will also teach July 1-August 30. Instead of terminating their position, the process would be to extend the appointment through August (end date August 30) and then put the employee on a Short Work Break from June 1 to June 30.
How do you see the history of changes made in PayPath component?
Users will have view access to Job Data, so historical rows are visible. Forms are just a front end for adding transactions because UCPath is not allowing edit access to parts of the UCPATH system. The custom pay PayPath component brings together the ability to make Position + Job + Pay updates in one place.
If someone adds a stipend on the “Addl Pay” tab in PayPath, will it pay them?
Yes. Additional Pay for employees can be added in PayPath or by using the Additional Pay forms.
What is the new process for joint hiring/appointment through more than one unit?
This business process needs to be defined as there will likely be some similarities because both current and future state use PeopleSoft design and permissions to access records and approve transactions.
The final step of entering information into Human Capital Management (HCM) is a current control in the onboarding process, assuring we have received all necessary paperwork. How do we make sure that the I-9, oath, etc., is done before we begin?
This process is part of the deep dive work the project and Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) will partner to define the business process, ensuring controls.