Case Management

How do I submit a case under the SOBO process?

You will need to write a short subject followed by a detailed description of the issue. If applicable, use the “Is this a QCU Case?” checkbox or the “WFA Escalation” checkbox.

What is the purpose of the “WFA Escalation” checkbox?

The “WFA Escalation” checkbox is available to all SOBO users to note the need for escalation. It should be selected for cases such as:

Time-sensitive transactions that affect the current pay period and cause pay and/or benefits impacts. Hire Date change that will prevent a pay and/or benefit impact. Request to cancel a transaction that will cause a pay and/or benefit impact. Cases previously submitted with the Topic: Workforce Administration, Category: Quality Care Unit.

When should the "Is this a QCU Case?" checkbox be selected?

The checkbox should be selected based on the following criteria:

Urgent issue with Payroll file prior to Pay Confirm. Stop pay line before pay confirm to avoid overpayment. Check or ACH pull from bank file to avoid gross overpayment. Missed pay resulting in financial hardship for an employee. Cancel off-cycle request or retro payment trigger to avoid overpayment. Expedite off-cycles submitted more than 3 days ago and urgent processing is needed. Benefits terminated in error.

What is QCU?

QCU stands for Quality Care Unit. It is a specialized team within UCPath that handles urgent payroll and benefits issues that could lead to significant impacts, such as overpayments, missed pay, or incorrect benefits terminations.

Who will see the "Is this a QCU Case?" checkbox?

The "Is this a QCU Case?" checkbox will only be visible to authorized QCU submitters.

New QCU Process Effective 7/15/2024

July 10, 2024

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to inform you about a slight change in how QCU cases will be identified and submitted, effective July 15, 2024. This change aligns with the updates to the UCPath Case Submit on Behalf of (SOBO) process communicated in the July CalPath Connect Newsletter.

Key Changes:
