Absence Management

Can employees track their own detail leave hours?

Depending on the leave type, employees are able to enter their leave hours in CalTime using the correct leave codes. Some leave types cannot be tracked by the employee, like EFMLA. These leave types are managed by the Benefits and Leaves Team. The employee should coordinate with the leave coordinator.

Can approvers edit initiator notes or add notes?

Approvers can not edit initiator notes, but they can add notes to transactions they are approving for the Extended Leaves of Absence module.

Why are an employee CalTime and UCPath leave balances different?

Absence Management balances update in arrears. For monthly employees, time taken in one month are transitioned to UCPath the following month and appear on their paycheck the month following. For example, for a leave taken in April, those hours will flow from CalTime to UCPath in early May, then appear on the employee's paycheck in June. If you search for accrual balances after the hours have moved into UCPath, they will update April hours because that's when the leave was actually taken.

CalTime will generally have more accurate leave balances hours...

If an employee changes leave type, how should this be processed in UCPath?

The first leave must be ended. A second leave request must be entered. For more information visit training materials or UPKs for the Absence Management request.

Does an actual return to work date need to be entered into when submitting the Absence Management request?

When the leave is entered, unless it is a Sabbatical, the actual return to work date should NOT be entered. Once the employee returns from leave, then the original transaction should be edited, adding in the Actual Return to Work date.

Is intermittent FML leave recorded in UCPath or CalTime only?

The leave is recorded in UCPath, but the time or actual days taken is recorded in CalTime. So, you can see an employee is on an intermittent leave of absence in the UCPath system through the Administer Leave of Absence page, but you would have to review Caltime to see the actual days an employee has recorded related to their intermittent leave.

If an employee changes from Intermittent leave to Block leave (e.g., full day or more usage), how should this be processed in UCPath?

A second leave request must be submitted and the usage must be coordinated with the UCPath Center (and possibly manager/department in order to capture any). Essentially, the first leave of absence row submitted, and then a subsequent row for the block leave should be submitted.

Does UCPath display FML eligibility during the leave request entry?

Eligibility is displayed with in UCPath, but all hours and eligibility also need to be calculated and confirmed by the Benefits & Leaves or Workers Comp team.