Lived Name

What characters are accepted in UCPath for lived name?

The new Name field will accept some special characters (such as hyphens.) Refer to the list of allowed special characters for details.

(Apologies to the artist formerly known as Prince.)

Do offer letters contain the employee’s legal name?

Offer letters do not mandate legal name, and are addressed to the employee with their lived name.

Do we need to start asking for legal name prior to the hiring process?

Prior to the hiring process, set the expectation that their name, legal name, and documentation will need to be provided at the time of hire. Ensure you are referring to employees by their lived name at all times, and inform them that legal name is only required to ensure benefits and payroll information and employment verification are set up correctly.

What do I do if I think I need to know someone's legal name? How do I ask for a legal name?

If your role involves working with information or records that require you to request a legal name, it is important that this is done respectfully, discreetly, and with empathy.

Analyze if there are any other unique identifiers that you can use to confirm identity (employee/student ID number, street address, phone number, email etc.)

Confirm that you are authorized to ask an employee for their legal name and that it is necessary for the business operation you are facilitating.


What will the name fields look like on Smart HR Transactions?

The name fields will be labeled on the Smart HR Transaction page and all UCPath pages as:

Name = A person’s lived name

Legal Name = A person’s legal name

Note: If you are doing a concurrent hire, rehire, or transfer, the name fields display Lived Name. If you are processing a brand new hire, you can also enter an employee’s legal name at the time of hire, in addition to a lived name.

Will pronouns be implemented in the UCPath system as part of this project?

Pronouns will be implemented in the UCPath system as part of a separate UCPC Roadmap Project, intended to be implemented in 2024.

Will reports via Cognos or other systems be updated to show Lived Name even for periods prior to Go Live?

Historical data or already generated historical Cognos reports and UCPath PDFs can’t be changed and will show the same data as before.

Cognos Reports were modified to display Lived Name. Any Cognos report run after the lived name is updated will display the lived name.