Lived Name: Transactors

What will the name fields look like on Smart HR Transactions?

The name fields will be labeled on the Smart HR Transaction page and all UCPath pages as:

Name = A person’s lived name

Legal Name = A person’s legal name

Note: If you are doing a concurrent hire, rehire, or transfer, the name fields display Lived Name. If you are processing a brand new hire, you can also enter an employee’s legal name at the time of hire, in addition to a lived name.

Will pronouns be implemented in the UCPath system as part of this project?

Pronouns will be implemented in the UCPath system as part of a separate UCPC Roadmap Project, intended to be implemented in 2024.

Will reports via Cognos or other systems be updated to show Lived Name even for periods prior to Go Live?

Historical data or already generated historical Cognos reports and UCPath PDFs can’t be changed and will show the same data as before.

Cognos Reports were modified to display Lived Name. Any Cognos report run after the lived name is updated will display the lived name.

How do we handle the hiring process moving forward?

Each region should have reevaluated their hiring process and made changes to their data collection forms. If someone gives us a lived name at the time of hire, you can enter that information directly into the template. If they do not provide one, enter the Legal Name (and a process will run to copy that into the Lived Name fields.) The new employee can always log into UCPath and add a lived name at any time. It is crucial to protect a person’s legal name the same way we protect SSN (Social Security Number).

Why is it important to use a person’s lived name? Why might some individuals use lived names and not legal names?

For most people their legal name will match their lived name, but for some people their legal name is different than their lived name. It is important to use a person’s lived name because:

Using correct names and pronouns shows respect, acceptance, and honors individual agency.

Names hold meaning and value and are an essential part of our identity.

Names are a core part of how we are introduced and how others understand us.

For transgender and nonbinary...