Additional Compensation

Can Additional Pay requests be rushed?

No. Additional Pay requests will be paid out using the employee’s regular on-cycle payroll. In order to “rush” a payment, you will have to fill out the Off-Cycle/Final Pay form in order for the additional pay to be processed during UCOP’s next available payroll run.

Can departments bypass the UCPath System for Additional Pay Requests?

No. UCPath is the only system of record and payment for HR/Payroll actions that UC Berkeley will be using.

How are retroactive payments handled (within Additional Pay requests)?

There are fields in each Additional Pay form meant to identify the appropriate pay periods that the additional pay should apply to, thus allowing for retroactive submission. Note: You can only submit retroactive payments for earn codes that are eligible for retroactivity.

What about out-of-scope work for Additional Pay requests?

Additional Pay is defined as pay that is in addition to the employee’s regular base pay. Thus, “out-of-scope” requests for Additional Pay consist of inputting regular hourly and/or salary pay in current or previous pay periods. It also would not be appropriate for “rush”/off-cycle requests as well as final pay.

How will UCPath recognize a duplicate request, or will UCPath process both updates?

When you open an additional pay form, current payroll requests for that employee that have been submitted will be shown to the right of the new submission, thus allowing the Initiator to check if a specific request has already been submitted. It is up to the Initiators to check current requests and previous paychecks to ensure that they are not submitting a duplicate request; the UCPath Center is not responsible for this action and will process both updates.

Is there a way for the initiator to see what has been submitted?

When you open an additional pay form, current payroll requests for that employee that have been submitted will be shown to the right of the new submission.

Will earn codes/title codes change and if so, how?

While most earn codes will stay the same, there will be some changes to existing earn codes. We will provide a “mapping” document to map from current-HCM-to-new-UCPath Earn Codes during training as well as a definition of every UCPath earn code and how they should be used. Title codes will be staying the same.

If a Work-Study student is owed additional pay, is this the correct form to use?

Additional Pay is for payments that are in addition to the employee’s base salary (e.g., stipends, bonuses). If the work-study student is owed additional hours that have not been paid to them, then this would not be the appropriate form to use and the hours should be submitted via the Off-Cycle/Final Pay form instead.

If the work-study student is owed additional pay for an action that is separate from their regular hours/salary (e.g., if the student has been given a STAR award), then this would be the appropriate form to use.

Does the Additional Pay form allow documents to be attached?

The Recurring Additional Pay form allows for document attachment. However, the One-Time Pay form does not have this functionality. If a document needs to be attached to the request, the one-time payment can be submitted using the Recurring Additional Pay form, with the effective and end dates adjusted to reflect one single pay period.