Highlights from this Newsletter:
Avoid sending “email” cases to UCPath
How to handle Expected Job End Dates that fall after the monthly Payroll Processing deadline so employees aren’t overpaid
Update to PayPath Security Role - new page available to review PayPath transactions
New job aid on job-to-job Transfers in UCPath
Top three search words and phrases in June and in July on the Berkeley UCPath website
UCPath Systemwide Updates
Avoid "Email" Cases when Submitting Inquiries to UCPath
Emails to ucpath@universityofcalifornia.edu, without a case number and reference number in the subject line, generate a new case and create a new inquiry with "email" as the source. A number of cases have been opened in this way, which causes significant extra work to restructure the case and link it to any existing tickets, especially if the transactor has Submit on Behalf of (SOBO) access. Cases should never be opened this way.
To open a case, please follow the directed process to open a case for yourself or to submit on behalf of someone else.
If you would like to email the UCPath Center in relation to a current case, include the case number and the reference number in the subject line. This will attach the email or email thread to the case. If possible, reply to an email that was created by the UCPath system. this will reuse the case and reference number (in the brackets of the email.
UCPath Inquiry: 0079XXXX for Employee J Doe [ref:_00Do0HMM8._5003l185yJx:ref]
A news article is also available on this topic on the Berkeley UCpath Website. If you have further questions, please email our team at UCBUCPath@Berkeley.edu.
Phone Service Transitioned - July 13th
The UCPath Center began the first phase of its transition to a new phone system provider, Talkdesk. As of July 13, 2022, employees calling UCPath will experience the following changes:
- Callers will enter the first initial of their last name for authentication purposes in addition to the previously required entries (last four digits of their social security number and date of birth)
- Callers may leave a voicemail while waiting to speak with an agent when the “call back” feature is not available
- Callers will hear the average estimated wait time while waiting to speak with an agent
A news article is also available on this topic on the Berkeley UCpath Website.
UCNet Compensation & Benefits now available through UCPath Keyword Search
Employees can now search UCNet Compensation & Benefits content through UCPath (keyword search; results filterable by source, knowledge, type and topic.)
In addition to the knowledge-based articles and UCPath Help materials, the search bar within the UCPath now also pulls up results from the UCNet Compensation and Benefits websites.
Avoid overpayments: Special Handling for employees with Expected Job End Dates that fall after the monthly Payroll Processing deadline
Appointments with Expected Job End Dates that are set to end the job automatically, after the monthly payroll processing deadline but before the last day of the month will be paid for the entire pay period creating an overpayment. UCPath does not look at expected job end dates in the future when processing pay during pay confirm.
To prevent an overpayment, a termination template should be submitted and processed for the employee with the appropriate end date before the payroll deadline.
For Example:
- An MO staff employee has an expected job end date of the 21st and their job record has the end job automatically box checked. The payroll processing deadline is the 20th of a month prior to their expected end date and there are 31 days in the month.
- A termination template must be entered and approved in the UCPath system before the 20th (payroll deadline) to prorate the employees final monthly pay. On the first, the employee will be paid for the 21 days of the month they worked, and they will not be paid for the final 10 days in the month.
- With no supporting termination transaction, the system, on the 20th, will process pay without taking into account the employee’s job will end on the 21st. The employee will be overpaid for the last ten days of the month (22nd-31st).
PayPath Approval Error Resolved
Previously, issues were occurring when approving PayPath transactions where Position FTE and Job FTE are decoupled (i.e., Job FTE is overridden from Position FTE). Transactors received the following error message upon approval:
Class Record: assumed property STD_HOURS is not a valid field name. (2,274) UC_PAYPATH_VALIDATIONS.Paypath_Validations.Paypath_DisplayControl.OnExecute Name:PayPathFieldChange PCPC:22348 Statement:210
Called from:UC_E102_ACAD_ACTNS.GBL.PostBuild Statement:343
The specified object property is assumed to be a field name, but the field is not found in the current object. Use the PeopleCode Debugger or a PeopleCode trace to determine the point of the error, and correct the program.
This error has now been fixed in PayPath and these transactions can be approved normally.
Update to PayPath Security Role - new page available to review PayPath transactions
Beginning August 1, 2022 the PayPath Inquiry security role will now have access to review transactions which have been completed in PayPath. This page will automatically be available for transactors who have access to initiate or approve PayPath transactions. Separate pages are available based on if you are looking for a transaction which was completed for a staff member or for an academic employee.
The navigation to these pages through UCPath > UC Customizations > UC Extensions > PayPath Actions (ACAD/STAFF).
To use this page:
- Enter the Employee ID, Empl Record, Transaction ID (or multiples in “Advanced Search”). Then search and select the transaction you would like more information on.
- Click through the tab to review changes - they will be in blue text.
- On the Additional Pay Data tab, scroll to the bottom to see the workflow status, approval status (the example below is Pending Approval), the initiator’s comments and their user ID.
- Below that the Approval Workflow Engine (AWE) can be seen to identify applicable approvers if needed.
This page can also be used to view PayPath transactions during the payconfirm period when the records are not accessible through PayPath.
As a reminder, the Need Access webpage on our Berkeley UCPath website walks through determining what access is needed, training to complete, and requesting access through SARA. The Location Security Role inventory is linked on the top right side of the page. It outlines all the pages that are available based on a security role, along with screenshots of each page.
Updated - Inquiry-Only Matrix Job Aid
The Inquiry-Only Matrix job aid was updated by the Berkeley UCPath Operations team to include the update to the PayPath role, which allows for the transaction to be reviewed.
New Job Aid - Processing a Transfer in UCPath
A new job aid, Processing a Transfer in UCPath was created this month by the Berkeley UCPath Operations team to outline the important details and share key reminders when processing a transfer in UCPath.
A transfer is defined as a UC employee moving from one position to another within the UC system without a break in service.
Transfers are processed in UCPath differently depending on the scenario; campus to campus moving from an academic to staff position or vice versa, or within our campus (moving from a staff position to another staff position in a different department or academic position to an academic position in a different department).
To understand how to submit each of these transfers in UCPath, check out our Job Aid.
Updated - Accrual and Leave Accrual Service Credit Processing Guide for Locations
The Accrual and Leave Accrual Service Credit Processing Guide for Locations was updated by the UCPath Center. Text was added to clarify actions Accruals not calculating correctly (rehired retiree sick balances, adjustments for settlement agreements, incorrect vacation factoring and PTO / Vacation balance transfers).
New Job Aid - View-Only Payroll Pages in UCPath
A new job aid, View-Only Payroll Pages, was created this month by the Berkeley UCPath Operations team to outline the payroll-related focuses of the pages which were added to the Payroll-Inquiry role as of August 2nd. This job aid is available on the Transactional User page of the Berkeley UCPath website.
Berkeley UCPath Updates
Top 3 Search Phrases and Keywords
In reviewing our website statistics, the UCPath Operations team is sharing resources and information based on the top three search phrases and keywords.
News articles are available showing the:
Let Us Help
Please review Frequently Asked Questions on our website. If you still have questions, please direct inquiries and feedback to ucbucpath@berkeley.edu.