About UCPath

UCPath System

UCPath is the University of California’s payroll, benefits, human resources and academic personnel system for all UC employees. The UCPath system is used at every UC location, including campuses, medical centers, research centers, and UC Office of the President (UCOP).

UCPath at Berkeley

UCPath at Berkeley is primarily supported by the UCPath Operations teaam. While the UCPath Operations team is the main team at Berkeley dedicated to supporting the UCPath system, the Ops team works closely with many partners across campus. View the Support Contacts page for a list of groups involved with UCPath at Berkeley, including who to contact for help with various issues. 

UCPath Center (UCPC)

Located in Riverside, the UCPath Center is the transactional hub serving all UC locations. UC Berkeley has a dedicated liason from UCPC, who works closely with the UCPath Operations team to address issues and improve processes.