No, initiators cannot assign a specific approver. Once an initiator submits the request, it will be auto-routed to the appropriate Approver Group based on the Department, the selected form, and the employee class (also known as “appointment type” in current state).
Only one person in that approver group needs to approve for the workflow to move forward. However, the approver can select a specific ad hoc approver from a drop-down menu of approvers who have the appropriate permissions.
The amount submitted using the Additional Pay forms is the total/gross amount, not including any taxes and deductions that will be subtracted when payroll is processed.
The forms have a Gross-Up checkbox to indicate that the submitted amount should be the net amount that should be paid to the employee; if this checkbox is selected, the employee will receive the submitted amount exactly as their net amount and the department/chartstring will be charged for the additional amounts that would have gotten taken out in taxes/deductions (i.e., the true gross amount needed for the employee...
Yes. Routing to the approver groups will be based on which form it is, the department submitting the request, and the affected employee’s employee class. By default, all forms will only need one approver level, meaning that only one person needs to approve the request in order for it to process.
No. Additional Pay forms will show the same fields, regardless of employee type. However, some select fields may be filtered out based on the amounts input.
If the By Agreement employee receives the exact same amount every pay period, then you can submit a Recurring Additional Pay request for that employee, entering the “Pay Period Amount” as the flat dollar amount that the employee should be receiving.
If the by agreement employee does not receive the same amount every pay period, then the request must be submitted via the One-Time Pay Additional form.
No. PAN notifications are sent out from Personnel and Payroll System (PPS) to notify select individuals that transactions have been processed. PPS will no longer be used, thus PAN notifications will not exist either.
Merit increases should be submitted using PayPath only, not using the additional pay forms. If a retroactive merit increase is submitted, the system will compare the new salary to their current salary and automatically calculate and pay out the amount of retroactive pay that should be generated.
There are two exceptions to this process:
The system will calculate and pay out amounts for only the earn codes that are eligible for retroactive payments. If the employee has an earn code on their record that is not eligible for retroactive actions AND the amount paid out for that earn...
For example, are there permissions for seeing that payment information?
There are no specific notifications regarding payments being processed in UCPath. To check if a payment has been processed, review the specific employee's paycheck/payroll data.