Former Employee portal - login issues

February 1, 2021

Former employees can access their UC employment information after they have separated from UC by logging in to the Former Employee portal. Recently, some people have experienced login issues that resulted in re-registration or password reset requests. If you are having trouble accessing the portal, please review these common issues and resolutions below.

Date of Birth

When entering the Date of Birth during the registration process or password reset, the format must be mm/dd/yyyy. UCPath Center reports that some users were entering mmddyyyy; which resulted in locked accounts. Users must include forward slash (/) when manually entering the date of birth or select date of birth from the calendar; which will auto format to mm/dd/yyyy.

UCPath former employee login page

Stale Request

Users clicking the browser back button from the Former Employee portal login page encountered a stale request. To resolve this issue, the user must return to the Former Employee portal login page and re-start the login process.

Invite to Register

If a user did not have a personal email listed in UCPath when their employment ended, they likely did not receive an invitation to register for the Former Employee portal. If this is the case, the former employee will need to contact UCPath Center to receive an invitation to register.