Ask UCPath Case Updates for Employees

February 21, 2024

On March 11th UCPath will update how employees submit cases. The new upgrade will simplify the case submission form by increasing the accuracy of how a case is auto-routed.  

Current State

Current state of the Submit Inquiry page with the section for topic and category highlighted.

Future State

Future state showing where you answer "What can UCPath assist you with?" and then a description of the issue below.

Who is Impacted? 

All Employees 

  • After the update, employees will no longer have the option to select a topic or category when submitting the case. 

  • Employees will be asked to provide a detailed description of their issue to determine how the case will need to be resolved. 

  • The employee will have the opportunity to update their contact information and add attachments.

  • Once submitted, the topic and category are automatically derived, and the case is created.

For more information: