As a transactor, how do I know if I am searching/transacting on the right employee?

  1. Name fields in UCPath will refer to a person’s lived name.

  2. Legal Name fields in UCPath will refer to a person’s legal name.

Screenshot of the options under Find an Existing Value.

  1. The best way to search for employees in UCPath is to use the UCPath Employee ID, also known as EMPLID. Transactors should use the name that is provided in the Name field in UCPath to identify employees. An employee's Name could be a lived name, preferred name, or legal name.

  2. If you need to confirm an individual’s identity, use other verification methods when possible:  DOB, street address, phone number, email etc. 

  3. If you need to find an EMPLID watch the How to Use Search Person/Search Match to Find EMPLID in UCPathvideo.